Chapter twelve

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I groan trying to stay asleep but the pain I feel makes it impossible. I roll over in my bed trying to get comfortable, but that doesn't help. I hear little feet come to my room before the door opens a crack.

"Mommy?" I groan in response curling up in a ball. Then the footsteps take off running down the hall. I'm guessing to the guest room, where Dean is sleeping.

I didn't want to see him after we watched the movie last night. I open my eyes to check my phone. I go to my tracker app and see my period is four days early making me groan more.

Two sets of feet run this way, one pair heavier than the other. My door is thrown open, but I can't move from the pain. Tears escape my eyes at the intensity of it, and small cries come from my mouth.

"Elle what's wrong?" Dean asks concern in his voice.

"These cramps are killer." I groan. I look to him only to see confusion taking over his features.

"Daddy is mommy otay?" Dean opens and closes his mouth a few times before looking to Daxton.

"She'll be fine. Why don't you go get dressed in your room, and play there for a little." Daxton frowns, but I just groan rolling over facing away from them. My right hand moves to cover my abdomen as if that would stop the pain.

"What do you need?" Dean asks his hand resting on my shoulder.

"Meds, and to get to the bathroom." I roll over to face him, and he seems a little grossed out. "What?"

"Are you okay?" He wonders.

"It's my period Dean. I don't see the problem." I spit. He raises and eyebrow before hurrying to the bathroom. He comes back in with the pain meds, and I sit up taking the water bottle on my nightstand. Dean gives me the pills and I take them easily.

"I need another." I tell him.

"But, I gave you two." I sigh looking to him annoyed.

"I need three for this." He gives me another, and I down that one as well. I stand up looking to the sheets and luckily there is no blood on them. That would have been embarrassing.


"Go with Dax, please." I tell him before waking into the bathroom and shutting the door. I use the bathroom, putting a pad on and then heading back to bed. I take the heating pad out and plug it in.

I crawl back in bed putting the heating pad on my stomach closing my eyes. Nausea takes over making me take deep breaths. My phone rings making me groan, but I grab it.

"What?" I grit out through the pain.

"What's wrong?" Sam asks. I sigh keeping my eyes closed.

"Nothing, girl problems. What do you want?"

"Oh, is Dean there?"

"He's with Dax, why?" Sam pauses on the line. "Sam?"

"Sorry, and no reason just wondering why he didn't pick up the phone."

"Okay, well I'm going to go and keep dying until the meds kick in." I say, but he stops me.



"Be careful." I roll my closed eyes at his words.

"Yeah I know, thanks."

"I mean with Dean."

"Sam, please not right now." With that I hang up. There is a knock on my door before Dean comes in holding Daxton in his arms. I smile seeing Daxton is wearing dark jeans and a dark gray tee shirt. And he tops it off with what looks to be his black mini Dickies work shirt. I smile seeing they are wearing almost the same thing.

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