👑Chpt 6👑

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I woke up looking around the white room. Yoongi was staring at me. I groaned trying to remember what happened. My eyes widened and I stood up. He held my hand.

"Lie down... You need to rest." I sat down.

"Why're you in a hurry?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I have to be somewhere." He nodded.


"Huh? Umm... work."

"Okay. I'll ask a different question. Which one?"

"Which what?"

"Which Job? The Janitor, waitress, cleaner, deliverer, dishwasher!?" My eyes widened and I saw the phone in his hand. I snatched it off him and read the text messages.

"I got the job!" I said happily under my breath. Suddenly he slapped the phone out of my hand and onto the ground.

"Wow... even in a moment like this... you get excited over having a job." I glared at him.

"You shouldn't have gone through my things."

"Why do you need the money? Are you a gold digger?"

"Excuse me? Did you just—"

"Then why are you desperate for money? Come to think of it... those guys I saved your from are old men looking to have sex with women for lots of money... That's why you went huh?"

"Stop it..."

"You know... You truly are disgusting!"


"HERE!" He threw money on the ground. It went silent. I pulled the needles connected to my skin off bent down and picked up the money. I stood up and looked at him.

"yeah... I'm desperate for money. Yeah I got excited that I got a job! If you must know why it's cause I have'no'family. I am an orphan. Living alone trying to pay for school and home. But you wouldn't know that now would you?" I walked over to the door about to walk out of there till I turn.

'Thanks for helping me. The hospital fee is on me." I turned and threw the money at him this time. It fell down and his facials didn't change. I rolled my eyes and left. I walked out the hospital and tears fell out my eyes. I wiped it quickly then I felt someone hug me. I tried to turn but his grip was too strong.

"I'm sorry." He said simply and immediately. I froze at his voice.

"I was just angry at myself for letting you struggle and I took it out on you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Forgive me." He slowly let go and I turned. I sighed.

"You hungry?"


I finished my food and I stood up looking around for my wallet. I looked at Yoongi and he nodded.

"Excuse me Sir. We will pay now." He nodded. He grabbed my hand.

"Thank you for the food." He threw some food at the guys face and pulled me out.

"Get them!" He yelled. 2 massive men tried running after us. Suddenly Yoongi lifted me up bridal style and started sprinting faster. You know those scenes in the movie where guys carry girls like this running away from an explosion or fire breathing dragon? It was like that. But my view was so much better.

The security guards slowed down and Yoongi smiled and looked at me. I laughed as we escaped. We stopped near and abandoned shop and ran in. We were laughing watching the men run past us. I smiled and Yoongi did too barely tired. We then went quiet.

"Soo... what happened?" He asked. I looked at him.

"What do you mean."

"With your parents... your living in a big house alone so you must get support somehow." I nodded.

"My parents died in a car accident... my grandparents died later on from age and everyone who supported me left. My grandma bought a house though but she still owes money to the landlord. It's complicated."

"I'm... im sorry." I shook my head.

"Don't worry. Crying about it won't bring that back to life." I answered. He nodded.

"I'm an orphan too... my parents died from a elevator incident. Atleast that's what I heard. The gang saved me and I eventually became leader." I nodded.

"I'm sorry." I said. He smiled a bit then sighed.

"How much money do you need?" He asked. I froze a bit hesistant to tell him.

"$30,000" I answered. He nodded.

"The mafia... can loan you the money. You can pay it back slowly this way." My eyes widened and I sat up and looked at him.

"Are you serious!?" I squealed. He nodded.

"Yeah. I mean... you have to pay it ALL back." I sighed on the verge of tears.

"Thank you so much."

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