Penny Parker (Part 1)

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Gender bent Peter.



"Penny? You're going to be late if you don't hurry."

"Coming, Aunt May!"

The girl grabbed her backpack, pulling it on, and racing down the stairs.

She burst into the kitchen, nearly slamming into May. "Gotta grab breakfast," she gasped.

May grabbed her shoulders. "Calm down. You've still got five minutes. I made you breakfast."

Penny sighed, relaxing. "You made me think I was late." She complained playfully.

"Yes, because you wouldn't have time to eat otherwise. Skipping meals isn't good."

Penny shrugged. "I eat lunch with Ned, and dinner with Mr Stark after school. He always makes sure u eat on the weekends."

"Still doesn't mean you can skip breakfast."

She shoved a plate of food at the teenager. "Eat."

Penny shook her head wryly. "Okay. I'll eat."

She shoved food in her mouth, eating as quickly as she could.

Then she gasped a hurried 'thank you' before running out the door.

She was late to homeroom, sliding into her seat right before they called role.

"Sleep late?" Ned asked quietly.

Penny glanced over. "No. Patrol last night was bad. I'm a bit sore."

His mouth formed an o. "You good?"

She nodded, her eyes going to the teacher. "Yeah. Just sore. Nothing major, luckily."


School passed slowly, Penny itching to be out of the stuffy building.

When at last the bell rang, she said a quick goodbye to Ned, and hurried out of the building towards the silver car.

"Hey Happy," she said breathlessly.

He grunted.

She rolled her eyes, pulling out her earbuds.

It was gonna be a long drive.


Penny opened her eyes to Happy poking her with one finger.

"Wake up kid."

She shot up. "I fell asleep?"

He pointed to the building. "Building. Go."

She grabbed her bag. "Got it. Thanks for the ride!"

She hurried to the lab, saying a quick hello to Friday before the elevator stopped.

Tony Stark was arguing with another person.

The sight of said persons face was enough to stun Penny, all the air rushing out of her lungs.

"Dr. Banner?"

Both men turned to look at her.

"Oh. Hey Pen. Come on over here. Let me introduce you two."

Penny stumbled over, still staring at Bruce.

He seemed to be amused by her shock.

"Anyways. Bruce, old pal, let me introduce you to Penny Parker. Penny, this is-"

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