Month Eight - Family Values - Part Two

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Edd... Matt... Medd... Torm! Oh God!! I ran closer and looked in the window, I saw Torm in his demon form, holding Medd, he's hurt, oh God my baby.... "Torm wake up! Please!" I heard yelling from inside. It was Medd yelling for Torm. "Medd" I called for him. He looked at me, he was crying and holding onto Torm. "Come here, try to bring Torm too" I said reaching for him. He managed to crawl over and pull Torm too, I picked them up and put them on the ground, I sat by them and held Torm close. Nothing to bad cuz of his demon. I saw Z take Edd and Matt out the car. Matt was ok but Edd... his neck was sliced open, his head was bleeding, and his leg was bending in an unnatural way.... oh God... "he's alive, but I'm not sure how much longer" Z said. When she said that Matt woke up, he. Stood up and took Edd. He ran to the hospital. Vampire instinct I guess, I felt Torm move, I looked down at him, he had turned back into a human, he was curled up around my stomach, their already close.

A week later

Tord POV
Edds getting released from the hospital today, that's good, but he has to breathing tubes because something in his lungs was damaged. I know how to comfort him. We went to go visit them and saw all of them huddled together on the floor, including Ringo, hugging and crying. When they saw us both Edd and Matt went to Torm and hugged him, continuously thanking him, if Torm hadn't taken the hits for Medd... Medd wouldn't be here right now. Medd hugged him when they let go. Tom took everyone accept Edd to a different room so I could talk to him. "Are you gonna make fun of me because of these tubes?" He asked. "No, remember when you asked why I always have a bag with me?" I asked. He nodded, I took off my backpack, set it on the couch and opened it. Edd was shocked at what was inside. It was blood bags. "Only ones that know are Tom and Z... I have a bad heart" I said. He looked up at me, still surprised. "When I was 3 my dad left, not before attempting to kill me, I survived but it damaged my heart" I said. He stood and hugged me, that's the closest I've ever felt to him.

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