Chapter 五

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For the next week after that terrible night you had to experience with Madara, you stayed with your family. When you first came to your old house, your mother saw you at the entrance and dropped the tray she was holding as she sprinted towards you and tackled you into a hug. You explained to her that your relationship with Madara wasn't going well when she asked you about the light purple scar on your cheek. She got so mad then started crying and apologized for giving you off to a man like him. You didn't want to your father to see your face so you asked your mother to convey to him that you were staying here for a while because of some issues between you and Madara. You had to tell her to lie to him and say it was a personal problem between a husband and a wife, knowing how your father would react if he knew a man had hurt his daughter.

You stayed in your old room most of the time. The maids brought you food and drinks everyday. You missed your room so much. From the walls that were painted with sophisticated drawings to your bedding to your personal items that you couldn't take with you after you got married. Everything. You would sit by the window at night and gaze at the starry sky as you would calm your head down and prevent any thoughts of Madara to disturb you. But sometimes you would wonder what he was doing. Was he having a difficult time living by himself after he fired all the maids he had? Was he repenting after what he had done to you? You would always end up shaking those bugging thoughts away and just enjoy your time alone back at your old room.

Finally after a weak, you were able to face your father. The fading color of the scar on your cheek has completely disappeared and you were looking normal again. He was sitting in the living room with your mother when you walked into the threshold and bowed down to him. Your father was a real calm person, he barely talked to anyone and always minded his own business. Especially that he was getting older. You sat down across from him and your mother, who was eyeing you worriedly. She was the only person who understood your pain and sympathized with you.

"First of all, I'm sorry father for leaving my husband's house without prior notice but I really needed some time off to think about my problems." You bowed again and apologized to your father.
"It's alright, my daughter. I know it is very difficult for a young girl like you to marry someone older than her and of an esteemed status, but you should understand that it had to be done." His voice was breathy due to his asthma but it was gentle yet.
You nodded and looked at your mother. She looked like she was on the verge of crying. It was always difficult for a mother to see her young girl struggle. "I'm sorry mother, I couldn't meet your expectations of being a good wife, but I will try harder for the sake of our family."
She offered you a gentle smile and said. "Don't be sorry, my beautiful girl. If anyone is causing you trouble and giving you a hard time, then it's not your fault for doing a bad job, it's theirs."
Your father spoke next. "What has Madara been causing you, my daughter? He's a respectful man of status."
You wanted to roll your eyes so hard but he was your father and you respected him greatly. 'Respectful man, my foot! If only I could tell you father what he's done to me but then I know you wouldn't leave him be and you would start a war between our clans...'
"He— We just don't agree on some stuff at home and sometimes we'd end up in a hassle." You lied to your father in order to save lives. But the truth hurt you so bad inside, the man that was supposed to take care of you and provide you with a convenient living, was the man that hit you on the night of your first time. It will always be a bad memory even if one day you loved him.
Your father sighed and nodded understandably. "Everyone goes through this once or twice in their lifetime, daughter, but that doesn't mean the end of it. It's every natural and it's supposed to happen between married people and trust me— It won't change anything if you accept your husband in your life and love him and give him what he needs. If you do that, I guarantee he'll respect you and love you and put you above everything else." Your father stopped for a minute to take a breath and then continued. "But if you neglect him, he'll start doing anything he could to get your attention and your acceptance. are fragile creatures no matter how strong they look like. Everyone searches for love and shelter in the person they are meant to be with but if that is not found, they tend to make it by themselves...Which probably caused Madara to do the things he did. I have no idea what kind of personal problems you have with him but try and understand what he needs and give it to him. Then he will treat you like you're everything he has."

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