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2 hours later i made myself ready to go to the airport, you could definitely see that i've been crying. when i arrived 15 minutes later i saw grace and i shouted her name and she came up to me and hugged me

"i'm happy to see you again and that i have someone now who can be there for me" i said as we still were hugging
"i know and you really need it now" she said
"yeah, let's go get all of your luggage?" i asked and tried to smile a little
"sure and then let's go to your home" she smiled and we went to get her luggage and we went home

i got a message from JJ when we could go to nando's to celebrate my birthday, i said tomorrow if he's free since i didn't had anything to do, JJ was mad at Harry for what he did and he had the right to be mad at him, i don't know why i didn't see that in Harry. Ofcourse he'd have another girlfriend he's famous and he can have anything he want.


I've done something really really bad and i should've never done that in my life, i pushed alyssa away for this girl who it didn't even work out with, i feel so bad.

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