1.13 - end

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"Don't worry," her voice was sickly sweet. "It'll all be over before you know it."

Feng Mei nodded, and someone hovered over her, obscuring her vision.

"Can you count down from 10 for me?"

Feng Mei closed her eyes. "Yes. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Si....x... F...."

"Out like a light, hm?" Li Shu sneered. She reached over to pinch Feng Mei's cheeks, but her hand was quickly swatted away.

"You should leave. We need the room sterile for the operation."

"Tch. You're so uptight, Doctor Yun." Li Shu twirled a lock of hair between her fingers arrogantly. "And don't glare at me like that. I gave you both their consent forms. They both agreed to do this. You should be happy."

Doctor Yun stared blankly at her, to which Li Shu scowled. She left the room, heels clicking on the marble floor, and Doctor Yun turned to look at the young girl sleeping quietly below him.


In a different part of the city, Gao Shen tapped his foot irritably.

Suddenly, his phone rang and with deft movements he immediately picked it up.

Hearing the words from the other end, Gao Shen sighed tiredly. "Good. Take care of it."


The momentary peace at the Feng estate was broken when the Feng patriarch stormed down the stairs, expression a mixture of anger and worry - with a crumpled piece of paper in his hands.

He was livid, his palms sweaty. His wife, seeing his appearance, was startled into standing up. "What's the matter?"

Unfortunately, she recieved no reply, for he was shocked to the point of speechlessness.

Instead, he merely waved his hands, made a couple of unintelligeble grunts, and without even so much as a goodbye to her, he rushed out of the house.

"Take me to Gao Xi's house," he hissed to his driver, who had been on standby this whole time. "Now."

The driver, used to his boss' antics, complied immediately.


In Doctor Yun's office, Li Shu was calmly inspecting her nails. She hadn't wanted to wait around for the entire operation - she knew that would take hours - but Doctor Yun had told her to stand by in case anything happened.

Just then, the door to the office slammed open. She clicked her tongue irritably, about to scold whoever had just barged in, but her words died in her throat when she saw who it was.

"G-gao Xi!" She yelped, her phone almost slipping from her hand. "You- why-? Haha," she breathed in, and calmed herself down. She wasn't in the wrong here, there was nothing to be nervous about. "What a coincidence! Why are you here? Are you sick? The doctor is busy right now, but I can-"

"Where's Feng Mei?" Gao Xi interrupted, storming up to her.

"Her? Why would I-"

"She left a note." He interrupts, viciously shoving her into a wall. "A farewell letter."

Li Shu flinched, eyes wide and pitiful. "I... I was only here to support her!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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