I'm fine + j.j.k [3]

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"So y/n, uhh can i sit with you later at lunch? I mean I'm new here so-"

"I suppose so since i don't have friends."

You jokingly laughed. True statement tho.

"Well then, I'll be your friend."

"You'll probably change your mind a week or so."

You two had arrived as you knocked on the door, the teacher popping out in any second. He was about to ask you why you were late and saw jimin as he excused you.

"Okay students, settle down. We have an exchange student. Miss kim please return back to your seat."

You went to your seat finding a sleeping jungkook. Well it's typical. Since you always see him like that in most classes.

"Hey I'm park jimin, and I'm hoping you all could welcome me warmly."

Yes Ofcourse, all the girls swooned over him. Who doesn't? He's cute, handsome, and nice. But that eyes smile tho, you couldn't get that out of your mind.


"Hey y/n wait for me!"

Jimin rushed up to you getting his packed lunch.

"Uhh what?"

"Yah. I told you I'd be with you at lunch right?"

"Oh- yeah."

He giggled. Oh your heart. It keeps beating fastly. You two went inside the cafeteria spotted by students as you two took a seat somewhere.

"Hey remember that cute and hot new guy?"


"I saw him with that hoe y/n"

"Ew why is he even with her?"

"I know right. I want to throw up."

You have ears and you could gradually hear their annoying voices behind your back. Seriously? If they're gonna talk bad about you they should do it precisely.

"Y/n look."

Jimin peered while you saw him pointing at a cute small heart shaped carrot right ontop of his kimbap.


You whispered. But he heard. Well that's embarrassing.

"I know I'm cute no need to whisper."

And, boom. The worst part. You feeling flushed and there was awkward silence.

"Welp... im listening to this song tho..."

"Really? What is it?"

" 'expensive girl' "

"Oh yeah I'll gladly listen to that later"


My gosh what was i thinking lol😂

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