Powerless|M [Oneshot]

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Terribly sorry that it took this long for me to get this OneShot finished!!! Well, it is now so yay! This was requested by Duches-Rose , enjoy!

Prompt: Jonathan is feeling really off as of late and (y/n) is worried about it so she assumes he needs space and leaves him in his office, later he comes crying to (y/n) about the problem and she comforts him and he slowly starts to be very submissive by her simple touch and it goes from there.

(I did change it a bit to keep Jonathan's personality in character! I hope you do not mind. 😄)

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"Submission is not about authority and it is not obedience; it is all about relationships of love and respect."
— William Paul Young (The Shack)

. . .

It was one of those days. A day where everything was shrouded in grey tones and dreary feelings. Staring out the window looking upon the faint light of the city, you let out a sigh before turning to observe the rest of the living room you were in. Despite its cozy interior, you felt as if something was lacking. Maybe it was because of the weather or maybe because Jonathan had been holed up in his lab for the past few days, working on God knows what.

It worried you, but you also knew that Jonathan would go into these mood swings where he'd do nothing but work. Regardless, it was boring and dull for you because he insisted that you not know what he was doing even though you did. It was no secret that your long time boyfriend was also a infamous Rogue that happened to deal with fear. You only wondered sometimes of how you fell for him. Perhaps it was because you both shared similar mindsets when it came to Psychology, but you didn't like thinking about it too much because then you started to doubt.

Shaking your head, you stand up and stretch. Letting out a yawn, you head over to the stairs before heading down to check on Jonathan. Upon reaching the door to his lab, you knock , though there's no answer.

"Jonathan?" You ask. "It's been days, are you ok?"

Still no answer though you can hear someone moving around inside the room.

"Jonathan!" You say again, knocking on the door harder.

The door opens and Jonathan's standing there looking exhausted. His hair's disheveled and the bags are obvious under his eyes.

"Jonathan are you—"

You're cut off when he just folds you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you tightly.

"....." you pull back and touch his face with a hand, worried about him.

"I'm fine," he says quietly, "just a bit tired. And missing you."

"We've been in the same house for two days," you say. "The least you could do was to pause in your work to eat, sleep, and be with me."

"I..." Jonathan looks back at his lab and sighs. "I need to get this done as soon as possible."

"You won't help anyone if you're too tired to do anything," you say with a frown.

"I know but—"

"Fine." You step away from him. "Waste away doing your work."

You start to walk away but Jonathan grabs your arm, "(Y/n), wait."

Pausing, you turn around in surprise. You don't know what it is, but something seems different about him. You can't place your finger on it.

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