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You silently smile a little embarrassed and shy at how his dimples are displayed on his cheeks, his eyes shining with confidence.

You gulp feeling self conscious about how you look, so your draw your attention from his flawless clean face and look down at the glass your holding.

"I was a bit out of it, thank you for interrupting me and my pointless thoughts." You chuckle before putting the glass down and grabbing another one to dry and polish.

"I'm sure your thoughts are pointless." He smiles.

Is it hot in here? You question as you look around the room for some sort of hearing monitor.

You sigh, "ahah thanks, did you want a drink or anything? Maybe some cake? We have strawberry,carrot,Cheesecake, chocolate and pistachio cake. It tastes nicer than it sounds trust me.." you smile like you usually do neatening out your apron before going over to the cake counter.

You glance back at him before noticing the loving gaze he holds to you, you smile slightly feeling a little blush creep onto your cheeks as he shakes his head and walks over to the counter in-front of you.

"I'll have a water, if you please..." his eyes trail to your name tag and his grin widens. "Y/n.." he finishes cheekily giving you a shy grin.

Your heart couldn't help but flutter at how he spoke your name so clearly and lovingly.

"Ok sure," you nod, walking over to the fridge grabbing a water stiffly like some sort of robot.

Before handing him a glass and the water bottle, putting it on the counter in front of him.

"Do I have to pay or..?"

"No waters free."

You try to hold back a small giggle before watching carefully as Nancy's eyes bead into you, making you step back a little wide eyed and try to maintain your demeanour, in front of the handsome boy.

You recognised him as one of the boys from the table last night, his perfect skin and dimples that decorate his smile, made your heart ache and beat.

And here the same boy was, sat in-front of you with his cool grin and deep brown orbs.

You gulp drawing your attention back to the girl who has been giving you a hard time, you don't think you have it within you to become confident as it was all shaken by how weirdly kind she was.

As your eyes are glued to the floor, you hear the loud clip clops of feminine footsteps walking over the the bar your serving this morning.

"Hi, I'll have some water please." Her recognisable voice is undeniably annoying and makes you glance up in shock, before putting on your best smile trying not to worry the kind boy also at the bar.

You nod before getting a water out and a glass putting some ice in it before handing it to her.

Nancy's eyes you before you place the glass infront of her, she smirks and taps her rich fancy nails on the table.

"Um. I don't want ice get me another glass." She orders, you knew somehow she was going to embarrass you at some point.

You just nod again keeping your polite smile before grabbing another glass and placing it in front of her about to take away the next glass until you hear her voice again.

"Wait actually I do want ice." She smirks evilly before again tapping her nails on the wooden counter.

You smile and place both glasses in front of her, taking forcefully the bottle of water and pouring some water in one glass and then he rest in the other smirking, "there. Now you can have some in one glass and the other one too, at the same time! How convenient." You remark.

My Muse || Knj ✔️Where stories live. Discover now