6. Mission

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"Here," Jimin said as he handed a wrapped gift pack to you. It was huge. Really huge. You glanced at it and turned your head away. You were afraid he might force himself on you if you deny anything so you accepted it.

"Open it," he ordered. You hesitated for a moment but opened it anyway.

Why is he giving this to me?

It was a jigsaw puzzle piece. A huge one. You looked at him questioning eyes and he smirked.

Ugh! That smirk again.

"Solve it, if you wanna go home," he said crossing his arms.


"You mean, I can go home if I solve this? Like really?" you asked him curiosity killing you.

He nodded in response.

"But I prefer you stay," he said and threw a sly smile.

No fucking way in this hell. But why is he doing this all of sudden?

"Okay, how do I know that I'm not being tricked?" you asked placing the puzzle aside.

"I don't lie," he said instantly.

"Really?" you raised your brows.

He shrugged his shoulders. "But you have only two days to solve this," he said as he sat on the bed.

You frowned. You wanted to ask what happens if you don't solve this but you didn't dare to. Not now. You didn't want to know what his answer would be.

"And if you don't solve this, I'll marry and most likely make love to you, even if you like it or not," he smiled.

You wanted to punch him in the face. You didn't believe his words. He would never let you go. But you didn't give up your hopes.

Let's get this bread.

"I have one condition though," you stated. He chuckled.

"Aren't I the one that should be making conditions here," he chuckled again.

"Okay tell me what it is," he said drawing circles on the bed sheet.

"I don't want you to touch me until I solve this."

He shot his head up and stared at you for few seconds. He stood up and walked up to you. He brought his face close to your ears.

"You make me go crazy and obsessive about you," he whispered. Chills ran down your spine.

"Okay, I won't touch you," he said and walked to the door. He paused and turned around.

"Good luck on the puzzle," he said and closed the door.



Three hours since you started solving the jigsaw puzzle. It was a huge ocean with tiny ten thousand puzzle pieces.

How the hell am I going to solve this?

You looked on the cover but there is no sample image of how the final product might look like.

You leaned back as your neck hurt. A sweat drop traced down your forehead.


Jimin on the couch with a glass of champagne in his hand. He looked at the thing laying on the table and smirked.

He took the thing in the hand and looked at it closely. He smiled and looked up. His gaze fixed on the room you were in.

He then tossed the thing on the table and leaned back on the couch. He grabbed his phone on the side as he heard a message tone.

It's time for recording.
Where are you?

Oh yeah,I'll be there in thirty.

He pushed his phone into the pocket and got up. He took the thing and put that in the drawer in the table opposite to the couch.

How long before she finds out a puzzle piece is missing?

He giggled and made his way to the door.


"Are there no security cameras here?" asked Victor. The officer assigned to your missing case.

"No, this is a private function hall, so there are no cameras here," said Namjoon's his partner.

Namjoon scanned the place and went to the door that led to the balcony.

"She was last seen going here," Joon said taking a step outside.

"Do you think she got abducted here?" Victor asked and Joon nodded in negotiation.

"Someone would have seen her being carried outside,"

"So it's not in the building?" Victor asked bending over the railing and looking down.

"It's in the building, we just got to find the place she was abducted exactly," Joon answered.

Victor looked at Joon and then turned his head to look ahead.

"She must be scared right, I hope no one hurted her," Victor said.

Joon was not listening to him. He was lost in his deep thoughts. He pulled out chewing gum out of his pocket and popped in the mouth. He took his small spiral binding book out and made some notes and stepped back to lean on the wall in the process.

"Ah!" Joon was about to fall into the opening that emerged as he leaned on the wall. Victor grabbed his collar before Joon could fall back. They both widened their eyes as they looked at the sight.

"A staircase?" Victor walked ahead.

Namjoon smiled.

"I wonder why this was not on the building map," Victor said and pulled out a torch from the back.

"Whoever took her, thinks they are smart," Joon said and walked behind Victor.

IDK where this Story is going uwu

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