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"Hey, Pit!" A blue-haired swordsman called to the angel. "Hello, Ike." The angel replied. The two stood silent for a moment as they stared at one another. "Sorry about that. You know, I didn't get to say this but, you've really improved on fighting since brawl." Ike spoke, scratching his head lightly. "Really? I haven't noticed, thanks." Pit replied, shyly. "Yeah, you are handling your swords well especially with that bow of yours. And that upper-dash arm is really cool! Plus, those wings came in handy." Ike explained as he pointed at every feature he noticed of the small angel. "Any plans tonight?" Ike asked, trying to hide a blush that dared appear. "I was thinking we could hang out for a while at my place. To get to know each other." He added, looking away. "That sounds like fun and I would love to go b-" Pit was cut off short. "Good, consider it a date!" Ike exclaimed, his face warming up. "I-Ike, what did you just say?" Pit asked, sweating a bit. "Well you know, it can get a little lonely at my place and I thought some company would so some good," Ike replied, winking quickly. "Just what are you implying when you say that?" Pit asked. "It's a date." Ike responded. "Oh Ike, I would love to hang out but, I can't. I have plans tonight and you're just not my type." Pit replied, fiddling with his fingers. "Why not? What do I have that you don't like or what I don't I have? Do you not like guys?" Ike questioned, moving closer to the angel. "It's not that I don't like guys, I do as well as girls. You can be mean sometimes but, you're nice. It's just it'll never work out." Pit explained, backing away. "Besides I am already dating someone." The angel added. "What who?" Ike asked and suddenly a sword was in between both Pit and him. "I'm pretty sure he declined your request." Link spoke as Pit stood beside him. "Ike remember how I said I had plans and that I'm dating someone? Well, Link is my boyfriend and we're going on a date tonight." Pit spoke as he put a hand on Link's shoulder. "Yeah, this angel is mine." Link added as he put an arm around Pit's waist.

Weird? I know, I just wanted to publish something in order to practice for a book and you can already tell what the ship is. This isn't a part of the plot either just a test of sorts.

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