Feeling Unusual Hunger? This Might Be a PMS Symptom

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Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can really mess with your diet. Hormone levels - primarily estrogen, cortisol, and serotonin - can spike and fall during your menstrual cycle.

You may notice an increased appetite as well as a metabolic surge. You may crave more carbs and fat like chocolate, chips, doughnuts, muffins, and candies.

You can log any increase in appetite in a journal and keep track of your cravings, moods, and other PMS symptoms and talk to your doctor about it to get more valuable information, or possibly talk about getting a birth control pill to suit you and help with the worst PMS symptoms. Look for correlations between your appetite, diet, and menstrual cycle.

I personally keep track of every single issue I have. If I have a headache, backache, acne, cramps, constipation, insomnia, literally any issue I have during or before my periods, I always keep track of it. Sometimes I'll notice patterns. Three days before my periods I get really bad acne, I get an increase in appetite, I get constipated, and I also feel a bit depressed. Since I've noticed a pattern in the behavior, I do believe it is caused by PMS or just my hormones in general so I try not to stress too much over it. But it is good to know you body and to keep track of what your body is saying to you and how it responds to certain foods and it is especially wonderful to track it all in a diary or journal.

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