Part 6

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thanks especially to Erai-chan and @bluewith3nvy for all your support in this one!

Daisy thudded into the demon's burning arms and flopped to the ground. She rolled, coming to a stop only once her clothes had been covered in dead, white, grass.

She stood up and brushed the seat of her pants. "Thanks for the gentle landing." She muttered, twisting to stare at her posterior.

Asmodeus folded his hands. "It's not my fault that your form is weak, little worm." He turned towards the night sky, staring into the stars. "Let's steal a car."

"What? I didn't -" Daisy was cut off as Admodeus wrapped his long fingers around her wrist and yanked her towards their carport. She could feel her black hoodie growing uncomfortably hot, starting to smoke with his excitement. The scent of burning cotton filled her nose. "Dude! Ow!"

Asmodeus was a demon set free. He broke into a run across the dark grass, releasing her to cartwheel. He glowed golden, making the air around him sizzle and his clothes smoke. Daisy followed behind, keeping to the shadows and watching the demonic sparkler light up the lawn. A misstep set a patch of grass on fire, Daisy stomped it down.

"Do you own a car?" He hissed. His mouth glowed like a furnace, his teeth black coals. "Or should we..."

"Az?" Daisy followed his gaze. "Oh HELL no. No way!"

"Daisy..." His voice was strangled. "I think I'm in love!"

Daisy rolled her entire head, her eyes weren't enough. "Fine. But if we get caught, you kidnapped me and I'm an innocent victim who was carrying several thousand dollars that you then stole and now need to pay me back. Also, I'm suing you for emotional trauma. And I'm keeping the car."

It was her neighbour's car, a grouchy, misogynistic teenage boy who'd been given it after he crashed his brand new Maserati. The bright red Fiat 500 convertible as Asmodeus's leg and the demon's head would stick several centimetres out of the top, but he was staring at it as though all his problems had just been solved. Far more enamoured than the specky git would ever be with anything outside of Pewdepie.

Asmodeus flicked his hand at her, the tip sparking. He bent over, opening his glowing mouth.

Glowing, orange, lava slopped out, slumping onto the ground and solidifying into the shape of the poop emoji. Daisy leapt back as Asmodeus plunged his hand in, the hoodie turning to smoke. He drew out a miraculously intact plastic key and tossed it to Daisy.

"Wha-" she batted it onto the ground and nudged it with her foot. The car chirped.

Asmodeus leapt for the door handle like he was a con artist being granted access to the vault of the rich family whose son he was pretending to be. He wrapped his long fingers around the steering wheel, muttering. Smoke wrapped the leather, golden streaks winding through Asmodeus's hoodie and the roof. His head was bent, squished against the top, his grin the size of Australia.

"Goofball." Daisy opened the door and tossed his tail back to him. There was a button the ceiling, which she pushed. The roof slotted back, folding in on itself. Asmodeus' face burned like a sun, seering himself onto the back of her irises. His eye sockets filled with fire, his bones shone black under his liquid skin.

And the demon drove the teenage girl into the night, in a stolen car.

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