Chapter 6

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When I walk back into the flat, Malfoy lays in bed, tiredly "Where'd you go?" he asks propping his head on his hand.

"I was talking to Terry." I state, before sitting on the edge of the bed and taking his hand in mine "I told him a version of the truth. Left out the fact that we're magic."

He hums, before biting his lip "I think I performed my best magic this morning. Had you screaming for awhile."

I roll my eyes and lay back onto his stomach "Don't flatter yourself, Malfoy!" he looks down at me in amusement "It wasn't that great!"

He gives a doubting look, before remarking "You said it yourself." I give a confused look and he mocks "Oh this is bloody amazing! Harder, Malfoy!"

I glare at him "You're a dick." he laughs and I smile "No, seriously, you're an arse!" he hums, but I'm sidetracked by Sirius.

He frowns "You just went somewhere. Where'd you go?" I bat my eyelashes at him and he sighs "Sirius Black, isn't it?"

I nod, somberly and he runs his fingers through my hair. We're silent for a moment, before I sigh "He's the only family I had left. Even if he wasn't really my family."

He rolls his eyes, before declaring "You have more family than you realize." I frown and he continues "You have the Weasleys, and the Granger." he thinks for a second, before joking "Just the one, apparently. I've never seen you run around with her parents."

I scoff at that and he sighs "I'll never know such honor, as to be apart of such family. Instead, I have murders, thieves, cowards, and one good guy that I've never met."

For a moment, I consider it, before asking "Would you like to see his belongings? We could, if we wanted."


"Now, you have to be completely silent." I whisper as we wait outside The Order of the Phoenix compound.

After twenty minutes, Ginny rushes out of the compound and calls over her shoulder "Ron, Hermione, come on! Fred and George are expecting us!"

Ron comes stumbling out, but Hermione stays in the doorway "Give me a moment! I forgot something upstairs!"

When she leaves the door open, Malfoy and I snick in, but don't get far, when Hermione stops me "I know it's hard for you. I don't want to see you in pain. You can talk about it openly, just know that we love you, and we can't wait to hear from you." she speaks somberly "Remus has been upset, too."

After a long moment, she walks past us and I look back at Malfoy, before taking his hand and leading him up the stairs.

When we get to Sirius's room, I find Remus sitting on the bed. We try to sneak in, only he sighs "Your father and I used that clock to raise mischief. You think I don't know it's there?"

Silently, I slip out from the clock and he nods "And who have you brought with you?" With a sigh, I shut the door "It can't be that bad."

With a nervous voice, I insist "He just wants to pay his respects, then we're gone." Remus gives a short nod and I whisper to Malfoy "I'm sorry."

When I pull the clock off of him, he fixes his hair and pulls his sleeves down to insure that the mark is hidden. Remus scoffs "It is that bad." he looks over Malfoy's muggle clothes and frowns "Or not."

"My apologizes." Malfoy states, before nodding towards the side table "I never met him, but he was the part of my family I'd wish I could be, if I could go back."

Remus gives a short nod, before motioning around "Look through what you want, but please put it back. Everything is exactly where he left it."

Malfoy gives a short nod, before turning to the door. He works his way around the room, reading little notes and shuffling through photos.

When he reaches the nightstand, his lips curve up in amusement "Is that... is that Harry's father?"

Remus turns around and smiles "It is." He points to the photo "That's James, Sirius, and I."

Malfoy nods, before sighing "And Peter Pettigrew." His face goes sour "He's a pathetic. Following Voldemort like a slave."

Remus looks to me and I sigh "He ratted out my parents. He got them killed." Malfoy looks to me apologetically, before continuing around the room.

He stops when he reaches an open book on the trunk at the bottom of the bed. After picking up the book, he motion to trunk "May I?"

When Remus nods, Malfoy opens the trunk and kneels in front of it. A confused look comes over his face "Why would he?" he sighs and reads the pages "Harry, can you read this?"

Silently, I step over and kneel next to him to find the pages blank "Read what?" I ask and he frowns.

He looks at the book again, before it scoffing in amazement and marking his place, only to flip over to the front. He reads the blank page, before announcing "My mother made this journal for Sirius. It's exactly like mine."

I frown at that "I thought they hated each other."

"Suppose not until he was sorted into Gryffindor." he states and I give a confused look "Every rich pureblood has been practicing magic since they were in nappies. My mother couldn't care less about this muggle-pureblood war. She cares for me, Lucius, and Bellatrix. That's about it."

I press my lips into a fine line as he continues to look through the book "Malfoy, you know that Bellatrix Lestrange killed Sirius, right?"

He's eyes fade and he looks to me in sorrow "I did not." he states, before flipping the page "My apologizes. If I could kill her, I would."

Remus gives me a curious look, before looking to Malfoy "So, where did you two run into each other?"

"In a pub." I state and Remus nods, before I explain "I was wondering what he was doing in muggle London."

"Playing keep away with the dark lord." Malfoy replies, before sighing "There's been enough death for the century. We haven't even reached the climax of the story, yet."

I frown at him and he explains "In a century, what are people going to remember? That two wizards fought a war with hundreds of casualties. One wanted those deaths, the other wanted to save the lot. But all of this shit could have been avoided, if Tom Marvolo Riddle was never born. Now one of you has got to die."

"How did you know about that?" I ask and he gives a confused look "How did you know that one of us has to die?"

He sets his jaw and looks back to the book "You're not very good at occlumancy." he states and I glare at him "Do you really want me to say it here?"

"Yes." I state and he looks to Remus "Don't look at him, look at me. How did you know that, Malfoy?"

"You were screaming in your sleep." he states as I glare "I tried to fill your head with happier memories, but I still saw you in the ministry."

I think for a second, before hissing "You preformed legilimenism on me?" he sighs and I growl "How could you possibly think that was okay?"

He sighs, before whispering "Are you trying to alert everyone that I'm up here? Do you think that would go well for either of us?"

"It sounds like Draco was doing it as a kindness, Harry." Remus states as Malfoy flips the page.

I roll my eyes and Malfoy's eyes go wide on something he's just read "What?" I ask and he hums as he flips the page, as if I could read it "What did it say?"

"Nothing." he insists, before sighing "For awhile, it was talking about family drama and trying to find a cure for Lupin, but then it turned personal, and I'd like to respect him, not to read anymore."

"What did it say?" I ask and he shakes his head, before I nudge him "What did it say?" I repeat.

"He speaks of an experience at Azkaban." Malfoy sighs, shutting the trunk and placing the book back "Bellatrix swore that she would be the one to kill him."

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