JEYDON!? (Chapter 46)

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I woke up the next morning it was nearly noon. Usually Jeydon wakes us up. I snap back to reality and run to Jeydon's room. He's not in his bed. Something caught my eye before I could leave. A note taped to the door. It read

" I told you I'd get your precious Little boy. Don't worry, he's fine. For now. I'm assuming Sutton found the note first. So listen here bitch. Austin doesn't need something like you to hold him back! He's only with you cause he feels sorry for you. I mean, look at you, you're hideous. You're so pathetic Sutton. What even made you think you were good enough for him!? Now, as for Austin he better do what I said or you'll be childless

-- S "

I ran to Austin! I was completely in tears.



Austin p-please get up.

Sutton it's too early. Baby.

Austin it's noon. And OUR SON IS GONE.

Austin shot up.

Su-sutton you're kidding right?


Sophia took him. Look.

"I told you I'd get your precious Little boy. Don't worry, he's fine. For now. I'm assuming Sutton found the note first. So listen here bitch. Austin doesn't need something like you to hold him back! He's only with you cause he feels sorry for you. I mean, look at you, you're hideous. You're so pathetic Sutton. What even made you think you were good enough for him!? Now, as for Austin he better do what I said or you'll be childless

-- S"

By the time Austin was done with the note he was fuming. He was trying so hard to hold back his tears.

Austy look at me. I pleaded

He lost it. He was in tears, he just fell into my arms.

What did I ever do?

Austin you didn't do anything.

But I've always loved you, I've never been more in love with someone before. Sutton?


Please don't believe what she said. If anything I'm not good enough for you. I mean look at what a mess we're in because of me.

Austin it's not your fault. And I know not to believe any of it. You're perfect for me, so stop. I love you

I love you too.

What are we going to do?

This is us. Were gonna find him. Call the boys. Call.....Dave.

Dave? How do you know about him?

Look Austin, you know how Rocco um.....

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