Chapter 9

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"Gale, how much longer do you think we have to stay here?" I asked one morning. This had been a very boring past couple of days, and I had already had enough.

"I don't know Catnip." He smiled.

Gale caught me off guard with the nickname. It was almost as foreign as being called the Mockingjay, but less terrifying.

After suffering another day of work, Gale and I decided to go for a long walk. Most of the time we were silent, but threw around a couple thoughts.

When we got home, I don't really know what happened but before we went into the house I turned around and kissed Gale. On the lips. Right on our doorstep.


I pulled back, startled by his tone.

"Don't do this to me again,"

"Do what?"

"Pretend like you love me and go off with Peeta. You married Peeta."

"I know, but I just thought it'd be like old times and when you called me Catnip I just-"

Gale waited.

"Just dug up old memories."

"Well you have children now, so you can't back out."

I didn't know how to answer. Gale went inside. I sat on the steps until it got dark and then went inside. Gale was already asleep on the couch. I went to the bedroom.

The next morning's breakfast was silent and awkward. It was more awkward when we had to pretend that we were the new couple in the neighborhood.

We started to walk home.

"Katniss," Gale sighed.

"Yes?" The first word he'd said to me in a day.

"I don't blame you for what happened yesterday. It was a mistake. I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine. What about you?"

He didn't speak a word.

"I just got the two of you mixed up-"

"Mixed up?!?!?" He shouted. "We're completely different!!!!"

"I know, but-"

"But nothing. You messed with my head the first time. Now I've had enough."

He slammed the door behind him.

Again I was left alone on our doorstep until dusk.

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