⚫Chapter 38⚫

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"Cousin?" Elias and I both repeated at the exact same time. I watched as she got closer. She was absolutely stunning.

"Which one?" she giggled while staring at the both of us. "You are extremely pretty by the way!" she complimented me.

"Aw, thank you. You have pretty eyes," I complimented back. "Thanks! I'm Isidora by the way." She then gave me a hug. "I'm Leilani," I replied.

"Ooh, your name is so beautiful!"

"Thanks," I responded with a smile. I had just met her, and I already loved her.

"Elias, meet my daughter Isidora, Isidora meet my sister's son Elias."

"Hi cuz! It's cool to know that I have a cousin back on earth!"

"Hey. You actually have two. I have a younger brother."

"May I ask how old?"

"Miles is four." I figured that kid was his younger brother. I would love to meet Miles one day.

"Aw," she sighed.

"Um, would you be kind enough to show them where they will be staying? I've got a couple of things to do," Roman said with a smile.

I was surprised Roman didn't ask us what we were doing here. I guess we'll tell him tomorrow.

"Absolutely! Follow me!"

We followed Isidora out of the throne room to be greeted by Nathan and Jasper. "Hi, I am Isidora!" she exclaimed to the both of them.

"I'm J-Jasper," he stuttered. Elias gave him a weird look.

"I'm Nathan."

"Nice to meet you! Follow me."

She began to walk briskly through the castle before ascending up a long spiraling staircase.

"She's your cousin?" I heard Jasper whisper to Elias.

"She's your cousin?" Nathan asked echoing Jasper's words. "It's kind of hard to soak in all this information at once."

I guess Jasper told him everything.

"She's the exact opposite of you," Jasper laughed.

"Yes, she definitely is," I added.

"Alright! Jasper, you can have this room," she said while pointing to the first room in the hallway. "Nathan can have this room. And Leilani and Elias can have one of the master bedroom's all the way at the end of the hallway."

I looked at Elias to see that his eyes had widened. Both Jasper and Nathan chuckled before earning a glare from him.

"It's quite early, so you guys should probably get some sleep. There will be breakfast in the morning."

Nathan and Jasper entered their rooms leaving Elias, Isidora, and me still standing there.

"I heard you're a vampire. Did you bring blood with you?

"Yes, I did," I responded while holding up the strap of my bag.

"Cool. I'll see you guys later."

After she was gone, we began to walk down the hallway.

"Um, it's ok if you don't want to share a room together..." Elias said sounding flustered.

"No, I don't mind. Unless you don't..."

"No, uh it's fine." I nodded my head before retreating into our room.

"Oh wow!" I sighed in awe as we both took in the view. Our humongous king-sized bed captured my attention immediately. Elias walked over and immediately fell onto it. I continued exploring our room checking out our closets, and our bathroom. It was amazing. After finally touring the entire room, I walked back to our bed and sat on it next to Elias.

"So, how are you doing?" I asked him.

He took a deep sigh before he began to talk. "I'm not sure. This is a lot to take in. I still can't believe any of this. That my uncle is still alive and lives in Latum Alterum and that I have a cousin. I wonder who her mother is..."

That made me wonder too. Did Roman have a second mate?

"Yeah, this is all really hard to grasp."

"But something still doesn't feel right. I can sense it," he responded. "What do you mean?" I asked him feeling confused.

"Well, it's like paradise."

"Well, we haven't exactly traveled to all of the domains yet, so we'll just have to wait and see. You should get some rest," I told him. "Yeah you too," he responded. "Um, you can take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch," Elias suggested after getting up from the bed.

"No. You are not sleeping on the couch. No, you are not sleeping on the floor. We are both sleeping in this bed," I stated. "Look how big it is. There's lots of space for both of us."

After changing into a random white nightgown that I found in one of our closets, I joined Elias in our bed. He looked at me as I slipped into the sheets. I turned over to flick off the light before positioning myself away from Elias.

"Night," I heard him say very softly before hearing him turn around to face away from me.

"Good night," I responded back. He seemed awfully shy for some odd reason which made me smile. It was funny seeing him act like this.


I woke up early morning to go to the bathroom. Instead of going back to sleep, I stood at the window and stared outside. Suddenly, Elias woke up panting.

"No! Leilani you can't die! You can't leave me! No! Please! You can't die!"

I rushed over towards his side in a heartbeat and crept onto our bed.

"Elias! I am right here," I whispered into his ear. He was twisting and turning as he continued pleading. Once he had finally woke up, he sat up and looked around the room until he locked eyes with me. He sighed before reaching over towards me and pulling me into a hug.

"Don't ever leave me... Don't ever die..."

"Shh..." I whispered while placing my hands around his back. "I am right here. I am not leaving, and I will not die."

After he finally calmed down, he released his hold of me. That was when I decided to ask him my burning questions.

"How long have you had these nightmares?"

He sighed before closing his eyes. "Since the day I accepted you as my mate." Poor Elias. I couldn't imagine how difficult it must've been to accept me as his mate.

"How frequently do you get them?"

"Almost every night."

Damn. I felt bad. He was being tormented by demons because of what had happened to his uncle. "I'm so sorry Elias..."

"It is what is."

"I wish there was something I could do."

"Actually, there is."

I studied his face carefully. "What is it? I'll do it."

"Sleep with me."

I swallowed slowly hearing him say those three words. "I'm s-sorry w-what?" I stuttered. "Not like that, I mean can you lie with me? Can I hold you?" I nodded my head slowly before slipping underneath the blankets. We were currently facing each other. I stared into his cloudy gray eyes feeling pitiful.

I then turned around facing away from him. I sighed not knowing what else to do. Should I inch closer to him? Would he inch closer to me? I suddenly felt his arm wrap around my petite waist as he pulled my small body into his. My heart started to beat uncontrollably fast. His scent was overbearing as I tried my best to steady my breathing.

"Thank you... Flos meus caelesti," he whispered into my ear. I knew right away it was Latin, but I wasn't exactly sure what it meant. I closed my eyes and sighed hoping that this was the cure to his nightmares. Because if it was, I would let him hold me every single night for the rest of our lives.

LEILANI ***Under Editing***Where stories live. Discover now