Canadian Narnia

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Mark was sitting on his bed, finishing an essay when a large bang came from his closet. The boy watched too many horror movies to know that it was a bad idea to investigate. But he was a curious soul, so he placed his laptop down and stood up. Crossing the short threshold to his closet.

He took hold of the doorknob before pulling. Opening the closet to a mess of limbs falling in a pile.

"Yah! What the fuck! Who are you and why are you in my closet!"

Said mess of limbs turned to Mark's voice. Laying on his back as he tried to sit up. Mumbling to himself in some language that wasn't English or Korean.

"Hello!" Mark yelled

The man finally looked up at him. Standing up to tower over the Canadian.

"Uh, hi." He said

Mark's eyes opened as wide as possible, "Hi! You just fell out of my fucking closet and all you have to say is hi!"

He pointed to said closet that was now a complete mess. The man followed his finger with his eyes. Seeming to only now realize what happened.

"Oh, yes. I was chasing moose." The man said in broken English

Mark glared at him, "You were chasing a moose in my fucking closet!"

The boy shook his head, "No, I was in my room. Back in Thailand. When moose jumped through closet door like Kool-Aid Man. Moose told me he would take me to land full of moose. So I followed him through closet hole. Now I'm here."

The Canadian crosses his arms over his chest as he stared dumbfounded at the man in front of him.

"Let me get this straight. A random, wild animal comes jumping out of your closet. Speaking like a human, and you followed it!"

The man nodded, "Yes! Exactly!"

Mark was quiet for a few seconds before pointing to the closet.

"Get the fuck out of my house."

The man's eyes widened, "But what about the moose for Bambam!"

Mark was behind the tall man now, pushing him forwards.

"I don't give a damn about Bambam or his moose! Get back in the closet and go away!"

When the man was finally standing in the closet again he turned to look at Mark.

"Will you at least tell me if moose live here?"

Mark rolled his eyes, "Yes, there are moose in North Canada."

Bambam's eyes widened and a smile spread across his face.

"We're in North Canada, yes?"

Mark shook his head, "No, we're in South Canada."

The happiness fell from the male's face, "So no moose."

"No moose." Mark replied

"But moose told me he would take me to land of-"

He was cut off by Mark slamming his closet door in the boy's face. Going back to his bed and finishing his essay.

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