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sage in the mm.

(Based on a true story)

(Based on a true story)

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Scranton, Pennsylvania


In a perfect world, you're understanding. I'm not a perfect girl. I would drop my fears at the door, I would only bring myself and nothing more.

"And, you let me be a woman." I sang, laying in bed, playing Summer Walker's - Shame on my speaker.

Today was a day for relaxation and healing. I didn't have to work or go anywhere so I was enjoying my alone time until Sage got back from work. I could just lay in bed all day wearing one of his huge T-shirts he'd left here and listen to music until I got tired.

Stopping my music, my phone began to ring and Sage's contact popped up.

I answered quickly, excited to finally get the chance to talk to him.


"Hey, babygirl." His deep raspy voice came through the phone.

"Hi." I spoke shyly as he chuckled at my antics.

"How are you?"

"I'm good, just missing you." I admitted, sitting up in my bed.

"I miss you too. Don't worry about it, I should be on my way to you within the next couple of hours." He assured me.

"I know, I'm just being a baby." I admitted.

"My baby." He flirted, making me blush.

"Sage, it's time to finish that last verse." I heard someone in his background say and he sighed.

"Alright babygirl, I have to go but I'll call you when I leave the studio."

"Alright, I love you."

"I love you too." He sighed deeply before we hung up.

Sitting my phone onto my dresser, I began to pick my brain. Sage was a musician and he's extremely talented. He can do any and everything. He played guitar, he played the saxophone, his voice was angelic and he dabbled a little in poetry. He was amazing overall. Whatever he put his mind to, he could do.

The only problem with it all though is that he was doing more stressing than actually enjoying his job. He'd recently signed to a record label that gave him a lot of money but of course he had to pay it back with record sales. So they were really pushing him for this album, he had to worry about quantity over quality which isn't his way of making music.

My music played as I was deep thought, trying to figure out how I would calm his nerves once he got back to my house.

"Olive, mom and I are going to the store. Did you want to go?" My sister asked, knocking on my door as I turned my music down a bit.

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