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Meanwhile at the restaurant


"Can i take your orders please?" The server asked
"I would like to have *insert the food you want*"  I said
"Okay, and for u sir?"
"I'd like to have *says the food he wants*" he said "and also a bottle of red wine please"
"Sure, i will bring the wine in a minute" and he walked away
"Have you actually ever been on a date?" He asked me
"I haven't, this is actually my first time" i giggled a little
"Really? I thought you've done this already like you're pretty, why did no one asked you on a date?" He said and i blushed a little
"Ohmygod shut up, i'm not pretty" i laughed
"Noooo, you are pretty, accept that!" He said i blushed and we laughed and the server came with the wine

Next one will be a little longer than this one since i'm going to watch a movie together with my mom x

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