39 "a dead end"

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I stare hard at the screen. The information before me is beyond measure. Ken had called in this morning with regards to my favour. Investigation with Ken is always done discreetly without letting his guard down. He had said this investigation is a tricky one and yet ambiguous. It had led him to a dead end.
the information before clearly confirmed his reason for such insinuations.

It's a dead end. But who could be stalking Anna? Or whoever it is must be great with technology without leaving a trace or imprint.

Taking in a deep breath, I sighed with my hands rubbing my forehead. Anna stirred in her sleep. A smile slightly gave way on her cheeks. I smiled down at her.
she must be having a good dream.

To avoid waking her, I refrained from touching her, shut down my mac book pro. Leaving the room quietly, I turned at the door, my gaze at her one more time,  then decided to place a call to Jonah on my way to the kitchen to grab a late night snack.

At the third ring, Jonah, my brother picked up. With loud noises from his end, it took three hellos to confirm a response.

" what are you up to brother?" Jonah teased

" Why? I can't call you whenever I want?"

" You call whenever you need me or want to ask a  favour, Philip. So which one?" he teased again accompanied with his usual rustic laughter

" Just saying hi. "

" clearly." I heard him make a chilly sound. He must be outside.

"Where are you?"

" I am at home."

" The noise from your end doesn't show that you're, ".

" Are you keeping tabs on me now?" He laughed " I am kidding. I am at a function, mate"

"Yeah, I knew you weren't home" opening the fridge, I took out two slices of bread, jam and peanut butter.

"Mum would throw a fit if I turn her house upside down."
I spread the jam and peanut butter on the bread, then took a bite.

We both laughed at what our mother would do if we ever host a party at the villa.

Mother isn't one to keep a pretentious face when it comes to American or college parties. To think like a proper English woman as she is, who host events in London and Manchester would tolerant whatever her kids do. Mother isn't one like that, growing up with mother, household parties were prohibited but thanks to Nana, she would sneak us out to the east wing where we could have our parties without mother's knowledge.

One time, Jonah was nearly caught but Nana saved the day.

" When is your flight?" Jonah's question jolts me back to reality

"eight, tomorrow's evening."

" You should have an early night, why are you still up?"

" Brooding, I guess " I sighed

" What is wrong, mate" I heard Jonah's usual worried voice.

" Can we talk about it when we meet ?"

" If it's okay till then " Jonah paused then continued " You know I am always here, mate. If you want I can fly out immediately "

" I know you love me... " I smiled at his gesture. " But, can we not say it all the time "

" bloody fool " he teased.
The "bloody fool" has always been our safe word whenever one of us says something cliche. In order not to bruise our masculinity. He such a weirdo to remember our childhood joke.

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