Epilogue (Part 2)

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London, December 1900
Ella watched as the twins rushed to get all their stuff ready, Elizabeth checking to make sure that they were forgetting nothing.

They were going over to Yorkshire. Ella had her personal reasons for going, but Will wanted the kids to meet his parents. It had been a year since their last trip there, and they were going again for Christmas.

Cecily and Gabriel would also be going. Tessa was going to help manage the Institute with Sophie and Gideon in the meantime.

"William," Ella said irritably, as Will took his time coming down the stairs. "We're going to be late to meet your parents. We only have two hours with them, remember?"

Will rolled his eyes. "It will be fine, Nora. Are you ready?" He directed the last question at the twins.

James and Elizabeth both nodded. Elizabeth had Ella's stubbornness and Will's intellect, whereas James had more of Will's personality, but Ella's looks.

"Well then, let's go," Will said. The portal was already set up, and Cecily looked impatient.

"Finally," She muttered, stepping through with Gabriel at her side.

Ella laughed, taking Will's hand and stepping inside, their kids right behind them.

When they emerged, they were on the doorway to Ravenscar Manor.

Gabriel had already knocked, and Mr Herondale was standing there. The kids moved forward to greet him. Mrs Herondale appeared, beaming.

  Mr Herondale hugged Will first, then Cecily as Will hugged his Mother.

  "James, Beth," Mr Herondale smiled. "It's been so long."

  "Afternoon, Mam," Ella greeted, smiling.

  Mrs Herondale kissed both of her cheeks.

  "How about we all get inside. It's cold out here," She said.

  They all headed into the house. Gabriel slowed down to walk beside Ella.

  "Do you need me to follow you?" He asked.

  She hesitated for a moment, then said, "only if you want to. I can't hold you back."

  Gabriel smiled genuinely. "Parabatai first."

  Ella remembered the parabatai rune being drawn onto her back, the tip of it peeking out to her neck. The burning, yet soothing feeling of it.

  "Thank you," she said, nodding.

  Will turned and looked at her with his dark blue eyes—the ones that Elizabeth also had. "Be back before the hour is up. And be careful."

  Ella nodded. "I always am, Liam."

  Then Gabriel and her stopped, letting the others walk on. When they'd disappeared into the Lounge area, the duo made their way out of the house.

   They climbed into the Herondale carriage which was already set up for them by Mr Herondale.

  "Take us to the Yorkshire Institute," Ella said.


Ella headed straight for the garden. At the garden there was a cemetery. It was a small one. The garden was hardly ever visited. Either way, the names of Starkweathers are engraved on tombstones.

On the most recent one was the name Nysa Starkweather-Nightstorm

  On the stone slab was a black box. Ella approached it. For more than twenty years she had debated coming here and taking the black box, but she never had the guts.

  Now, though, at the age of thirty nine, she thought it was time.

  Gabriel laid a hand on her shoulder. "Do you wish for me to wait for you at the carriage?"

  Ella shook her head mutely. On the box was the cursive handwriting of her Mother. Eleanora Nightstorm, it read.

  She flicked it open, and gasped at what was inside it. There was a silver locket. The locket had a ruby at the center of its oval shape. Below the locket was a note.

  She lifted the locket up first, handling it as if it were some old parchment paper. She carefully opened it.

  She choked back a sob.

  It was a golden feather. It was her mum's most prized jewel. She never shared how she had managed to obtain it, but it was something Ella's Mother had always kept with her. She called it her lucky charm.

  She carefully closed the locket, putting the chain around her neck, over her binding ring. Then, with trembling hands, she took the note out.

My dearest Eleanora,
If you are reading this then I know you must be in great pain, having to hear my voice again in your head.

Nonetheless, what must be said must be said. I entrusted this box to my Grandfather for a simple reason. When you finally meet with him again, it won't be anywhere near the date of my death. Hopefully.

Either way, Ella, I don't think I would have been able to say a proper goodbye to you. Shadowhunters die suddenly, as you may well know.

I am so proud of you, dear. You have exceeded all expectations. You are a strong lady, as well as a smart one. I hope you have a wonderful Husband and have good, strong kids.

I also hope that one day you will find your Brother, and that he himself will find love. You two are my most greatest loves.

As for the feather, I give it to you because I cannot carry it to my grave. It is simply too precious for that. Pass it down to your daughter, and her to her daughter. It is special, and will protect the wearer.

The box is enchanted, so that when I die my locket will immediately be transported into it.

I love you, and your Brother. And your Husband. And your children.

Nysa Nightstorm

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