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Seven Years Until Eternity: The Rise of the Antichrist

The antichrist rises to power using satanic forces, world leaders, one world religion, and currency to control the entire earth. The struggle of humanity, angels, and demons rages across earth to the gates of heaven with the final victory being determined at the battle of Armageddon!



The Penny

Randal Cole is the beleaguered pastor of a small, inner city storefront church. On the day he decides to resign, Randal is approached by mysterious man outside of his church and asked to do something very strange...place a penny in the offering plate the coming Sunday. Randal agrees, and quickly finds out that he is not the only one that this man has approached with this unusual request. He soon finds himself at the center of a global movement that radically transforms him, his church, and people throughout the world like never before. Who was this strange man? Why was Randal and his small, seemingly insignificant church chosen?




Sons of God Daughters of Men

Caelan has been a Guardian angel since the dawn of humanity. Feeling limited in what he is able to do to protect Carissa, the woman he has come to love, Caelan devises a plan. He will depart heaven with other angels, marry Carissa, and lead humanity into a golden era of peace, prosperity, and enlightenment. Then, they and their children will rule the earth as mythological gods and heroes. However, he is not aware of the consequences of his actions. Lucifer will reach into the depths of hell and unleash a demonic force capable of destroying the fallen angels, and much more. Caelan and his brethren will also discover that they face an enemy far worse than the powers of hell...each other.






The Ten Greatest Prayers of the Bible

This thorough study of the Bible's greatest prayers reveals astounding truths about prayer and how to achieve miraculous results. Featuring actual prayers from biblical heroes such as Solomon, Hezekiah, Jesus and many others, this book shows you how to pray and achieve results from God the way that spiritual giants of the Bible did.



The Ten Greatest Miracles of the Bible

The Bible contains over 114 miracles in 6 categories, including the human body, nature, military intervention, food, animals, and finances. It examines the Bibles’ greatest miracles and describes the steps to experiencing great miracles in your life. The Ten Greatest Miracles of the Bible is a thorough study of the Bible’s greatest miracles and reveals astounding truths about nature of miracles and how they are manifested. Prepare to experience the divine power of God and experience miracles the way great people of the Bible did.



40 Days of Faith

40 Days of Faith is a devotional designed to bring individuals closer to Christ by following the examples of people in the Bible such as Moses and Jesus Christ who spent 40 days with the Lord. Your life will be changed through 40 days of reading a Bible verses each day, prayer, fasting and seeking the Lord. Prepare to become spiritually stronger and anointed through this book!



Ready for the Rapture

Examine the definition of the resurrection, the signs of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the relationship between the Tribulation Period and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, if the resurrection is different from the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, an examination of "The Resurrection Parables", and the current state of the Church. Includes 31 scriptures and a 20-item checklist to see if you are ready for the rapture!



Living in the New Millennium and Beyond

Have you ever wondered about life after Jesus Christ returns to the earth, the Day of Judgment, the New Heaven and the New Earth and the rewards of the saints? With over 125 referenced scriptures, this book answers those questions.




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