Chapter 33

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~10 years later~
Jackie's POV-

"Run! You damn moron!" I yelled out towards Joker and Bane. I let out a frustrated grunt and continued shooting at the flee of inmates. At this point one might ask, what is a mother doing with a gun? To that I would answer with the following:

1) This isn't just any gun.
2) I can have more than one role.
3) I am a vigilante or villain, whatever you prefer to see me as, at heart. I will do my damn job, because it's what I'm good at.

Scarecrow ran around the street corner with Jervis, a horde of inmates following after them. My eyes roll to the back of my head. To think that this was going to be easier.

"Heading over in t-minus 5 minutes," Harley's voice goes over the walkie-talkie. Finally. I throw the gun over my shoulder and start packing up the van the best that I can. Just a couple more nights of this crap and we'll be done for good.

"Incoming!" Jervis cries out. I'm knocked over by Scarecrow and Jervis, Bane shutting the van door behind us. The sound of bullets hitting the vans was all we could hear. The pings of metal growing bothersome.

"You couldn't have been more careful?" I muttered as I got up. Scarecrow pulls of the mask, releasing Jonathan.

"We tried," he sighed.

A bump on the roof interrupts the commotion, the latch coming undone and revealing Harley swooping in. "You weren't going to leave without me were ya?"

"Oh hush, we have more important things to worry about," Joker retorts, punching the gas and sending us flying. Bane lets out a loud groan, having smacked his head.

"What's next on the list?" Harley huffs.

"We need to get Ivy that's what's next. She's still holding up a barricade by the bridge south of here," I sigh.

"Times like this makes you wonder where Batman is," Jervis said. All eyes are on him.

"He's right, you know. When do the villains do the dirty work of heroes? Why are we the ones fixing the mess we started. The coward is probably hiding," Jonathan mutters.

"We didn't think the crime rate would jump this high. We thought it'd be a fun challenge for that Bat Family. I suppose it was more than what they could handle," I lean onto Jonathan's shoulder. He wraps his arm around me, letting me relax for a brief moment.

"I miss our game of cat and mouse. Things are just sooo boring," Joker whines from behind the wheel.

"I haven't gotten boring!" Harley cheers, jumping over to the passenger seat.

Joker gives her a side look and looks back to the road, "Yeah. . .Welll. . " With that, Harley punches his arm, making him swerve to the left. "Harls!" he yells.

After some bickering between the lovely couple, we're finally in south side of Gotham, with Ivy in sight.

But there seems to be one problem. .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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