Moved on

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I just want to grab his face and kiss him until I feel like everything is ok again. I know that won't ever happen because he has moved on and does not love me like he use to love me. I read our old messages wishing that we could go back to when he would say that he loved me. When he would say that he was happy ith me. Not I'm him say that I didn't make him happy and that I made him hide who he was. I still wish to this day that we were together. Wish that I was in his arms, wish that I could laugh with him, wish that I could just see him. I miss the times we would spend hours just talking on the phone. I would read poems to him or sing him to sleep. I just want my little werewolf back but know that I never will because he has moved on. He has moved on so I should move on too. Its just not that easy to move on. Not when I ache for him to txt me or call me. Ache to see his smile, ache to be in his safe arms. But he has move on. So will I get over it? No, but life goes on so I must go with it.
          Love you my little werewolf ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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