It Must Be Because You're Human

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I added a picture of Jake's Dad here also. I have plans to remake a little slideshow of the characters soon.


Jake was cleaning up breakfast. I watched him. I watched how the muscles in his back moved I laughed when he cursed because he dropped something. He would look at me and smile each time, no matter what. I told him I loved him this morning and I meant it. Jacob Collins was the only reason I wanted to be in California. Even though he is crazy and scary and mean sometimes he is also wonderful in the most hypnotizing ways. The way his eyes shine when he smiles, or how he wrinkles his nose when he smells something bad. I've never been so obsessed with a person before. Maine has my life, that much is true, but Jake has my heart and that is undeniable.

Jake's phone started ringing. He dried his hands and answered it. " Hello?" " Yes." Jacob's face showed no emotion. " Okay." He replied and hung up.

" Who was that?" I asked.

" Get dressed. We're going to see my father." Jake ordered.

" Jake, I - I - I can't do that." I stumbled

" We have to Mel, it's what's best for the pack and my future as Alpha. " I watched him glide across the room, as if everything were in slow motion. He held my face gently " If I could I would keep you from all of this, but this is my life. I don't have a choice about being Alpha Mel, you're my mate, you're a part of my life, the biggest part of my life."

I took a deep breath. If I'm going to love Jake, if I'm going to be stuck here in California I can't be a baby about it and hide. " Okay." I said as strongly as I could. I brushed past him and climbed the steps to my room. I took one look at my closet. Shit what am I going to wear?


I woke to someone knocking on my door. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Come in." My voice broke and pain ran through my chest.

The Alpha strode into my room.

"Alpha Collins." I squeaked, trying my best to sit up.

" Relax son." He assured me while taking a seat in my desk chair.

"O-okay." I stammered nervously, I can't imagine why he's in my room. Did I do something wrong?

"Don't be so nervous son." Alpha Collins assured me.

God is it that obvious?

"Okay." I replied meekly.

" I have some questions for you." He looked around my room and out my window.

" What kind of questions Alpha?" I asked.

" I have some questions about my sons mate." He looked me dead in the eyes.

What could he possibly think I know ?


Jake was nervously tapping on the steering wheel and I was nervously playing with my seatbelt. When we reached the front of his house my heart started beating fast and my hands got all sweaty and I thought I was going to pass out.

Jake walked around the car and opened my door. He helped me out of the truck and kissed my forehead. He grabbed me by the hand but then felt how sweaty they were and laughed a little " Relax sweetheart, the wolves aren't going to eat you." He smirked and lead me into the house.
The house was much louder than usual today. As soon as I stepped foot through the door I could hear what sounded like a million different voices. A ball came rolling up to the door and a small girl running after it. The ball hit my foot and the came stopped in front me. I looked down at her, she has the most beautiful blonde curls I have ever seen and eyes that were the color of gold.
"Hello." She sang, smiling at me.
"Hello." I replied.
" Are you going to be my Luna?" She asked, forgetting all about her ball.
I didn't have a response for her. She looked at me, waiting for an answer.
"Jasmine, sweetie.." Jake said, picking up her ball. " Why don't you go outside and play."
" Okay." She squeaked, taking the ball and running off.
Jake looked at me and I took a deep breath. " I don't know about this Jake." I said uneasily.
"Relax." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. " Everyone just wants to meet you."
I didn't respond, I just let Jake lead me through the house. There were mothers holding babies and babies playing with other babies. I could hear the sound of kids playing outside and there were boys playing videos games and father's discussing sports. There were so many people. Everywhere you turned, there was somebody. To make it all worse, they all watched me when I walked by, the conversation would die down from room to room and they would stare. I squeezed Jake's hand a little harder, he rubbed my hand with his thumb, I guess thinking it would calm me down, but that wasn't going to work. We reached a dark red door, the deepest red I have ever seen. I could not even imagine what, or who was behind the door.

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