Rwby Vol.6 Part 3

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Well ain't that a surprise,Qrow and Oscar caught up with us.

--Before you went to the Atlas military facility--


My ears perked up and quickly came to him,and immediately saw his wolf ears,tails,and evident eyes that you got from him.

Dad:C'mon buddy,get rid of the camo. | You:Umm...okay.

You get rid of your camo rune,and your wolf ears and tail was finally free and you let it wiggle a little bit to stretch it.

You:My god,finally. | Dad:Feels good to stretch a bit right? | You:Yeah. | Dad:So,how's life in Remnant.

You then tell him pretty much about everything,and I mean EVERYTHING

Dad:Huh,well,as much as I want,I can't help you. | You:.......Why? | Dad:.......Well,I guess using the Third Eye is the best way to show you why.

You can see him gathering his aura into his hand,and slowly  move his hand into your forehead. Almost instantly,you fall unconscious,and...seem to see his memory.

God of Light:Alpha Cole? | Dad:Yes,God of Light? | God of Light:I will give your youngest son the task of defeating Salem back in Remnant.| Dad:Can I assist him? | God of Light:No,you must not. | Dad:May I ask why? | God of Light:I sense a great power within your son,much more than you have currently. But I will seal it away,including his Faunus heritage to fit in Earth. | Dad:Very well,how is Jehovah doing? | God of Light:The God in your dimension? He's quite interesting,to the say the least. I am planning to talk with him more. | Dad:Hm,I must go now. | God of Light:Of course,I wish you luck,Alpha.

The memory closed and I gain consciousness again.

Dad:That's why. | You:Huh,he still exists. | Dad:Well,if he didn't,we wouldn't exist as well.

The thought scared you,but not much,you were actually thankful to have a power from the God who created you so you can use that power to protect people,even though there was a God that goes in many names back in Earth. You wonder if these God of Darkness and Light are the same but separate entities?

Dad:Anyway,let's change topic,who's the girl with red hair and silver eyes? | You:Uhh..... | Dad:Girlfriend,okay. I thought you want no more drama? | You:Yeah,but,I think I found the one for me. | Dad:Don't jinx it. | You:I know,but,she's strong,and she knows what's right and what's wrong. | Dad:*stern,knowing eyes...then relaxes* Alright then,we should get back.

--Back to the present--

As the others tried to talk to the two guards,I did a mental re-check with my appearance. I have a blindfold on,to insinuate that I am blind,and to further enhance that,I have tune the camo rune to make my eyes white and foggy. Also a change of clothes. William changed a bit as well,this time his eyes are completely green,while Jack changed his clothing and his eye are a steely blue.

Yang:Come on! You didn't even hear us out! | Guard 1:Our orders are clear; the Mistral Atlas border is closed | Guard 2:Please! | Guard 1:Have a good day! | Yang:But--! | Both Guards:A good day! | Qrow:Hey,if you don't wanna believe that I'm friends with Ironwood-- | Both Guards:GENERAL Ironwood! | Qrow:...Yeah,'general ironwood' then fine,but look,we have Weiss Schnee with us and we're trying to get her home,safely.



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