Chapter 8: The Death Eater

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(Hermione's p.o.v)
I get to the Wesley's house and bring my trunk to Ginny's room. "Hey how was your summer?" Ginny asked. "It was good. My parents didn't what me to go back to hogwarts, they don't want me getting hert. My parents are muggels and they know had bad you-know-who is" I respond. Someone knocks on the door. "Come in" Ginny says. It was Ron.

"Hey you two, mum has dinner done in the kitchen. I'm going down now" Ron says. We got down the stairs and follow the smell of freshly made pork. I put some pork on my plate along with mashed potato's and a cup of pumpkin juice. "This is really good Mrs. Weasley, thanks for making this for I us" I say.

"Ohh it was no trouble Hermione. It's a mother's job to feed her children and anyone else in the house" Mrs. Weasley responds. We finish eating and I jump into the shower. I come out and put my PJ'S on. "I herd something in kitchen I'm going to go check it out" Ginny says.

"Ok I'm going to brush my teeth" I respond. I get my tooth brush and brush my teeth. I herd an owl and said, "is that an owl I here" I yell.

"Have you seen Harry, apparently he's wondering about the house" Ginny says. I run down the stairs and find Harry, Ginny, Ron and Mrs. Weasley in kitchen. "You have toothpaste on you face" Ron says and rubbed it off. It was really awkward.

(Draco's p.o.v)
I can't believe my dad is making become a death eater. I really don't want harm anyone. But if I don't become one I will be killed. I have no Choice. "Draco come, it's time" my father says.

"Ok" I respond. I follow my father into a dark room. My father says goodbye and locks the door. CRAP I have to do this all by myself. "Draco do you promise to do whatever I say?" Voldemort asks.

"I do" I exclaim. Voldemort asks me a lot of questions like this and I say "I do" to every to question. "You are now ready to become a Death Eater" Voldemort says. I hold out my arm and Voldemort presses his wand to my form arm. OHHH. It was a lot more painful then I thought it would be. Once he is done, Voldemort handed my black robes and a mask. I should have been happy that I was given the highest honour, but I wasn't.

Than Voldemort give's me a task to do. He says that I have to get the vanishing cabinet to work at Hogwarts so that the Death Eaters can kill Dumbledore. I also had to act that going back to Hogwarts was the worst thing in the world. Witch isn't true, I love Hogwarts. I get on the train and blab about how I hate Hogwarts.

(Hermione's p.o.v)
I get on the train with Harry and Ron. I saw Draco go into a KnockTurn ally with his mum. I hope he's not turning into a Death Eater. "I'm telling you Draco's one of them now" Harry says. Meaning that he thinks Draco is a death eater. "For the last time Harry Draco is not a death eater" I say. Not really trying to convince Harry, more trying to convince myself.

We get to hogwarts and Harry's not there. He left to get some air but never came back. We went to Hogwarts and ate a nice dinner. Dumbledore warned  us about Voldemort. The rest of the year was good. Ron got himself a girlfriend and was snogging her for three months. When he got poisoned I sat with Harry at his bedside and than his girlfriend came in. Ron wanted me not her and she sort of lost it. At the end of the year Snape killed Dumbledore. I was with Ron and Ginny comforting Harry before we went on the train ride home. Next year is going be dangerous.

(Draco's p.o.v)
We got to Hogwarts and we ate dinner. Dumbledore made some lame speech about Voldemort. The only thing I will be happy about when I kill him is that I don't have to listen to his speech's ever again. Every time I could I would sneak off to the room of requirement to mend the vanishing cabinet. Finally after a lot of time it was fixed.

On the last week of school the death eaters came into the school. They were going to hold off the other people while I sneak up to Dumbledore's study. I wasn't ready to kill Dumbledore but I didn't have a Choice. I walked up the stairs and got my want out. I disarmed him and held up my wand. "Avada Avada" I say but Dumbledore cuts me off. "Draco your not a bad boy. You don't have to do this, it's not you Draco".

"You don't understand, I have to kill you our he will kill me" I say. I try to say the spell again but I just couldn't. Snape pushes me out of the way and kills Dumbledore. I run out of the school and see Hermione in the window. She had blood on her face and the saddest look in her eye's. I wanted to run up to her and kiss her, but I couldn't. Next year is not going to be fun.

Thanks for reading the eighth chapter of The Forbidden Love: a Dramione love story. More coming soon. I would love to here your feedback, but please don't leave any hate. I want to make a character x reader story. I don't know witch character to do yet. If you guys could give me suggestions that would be very helpful. Check out my other story's Dairy Girl: a high school story, Life After Hogwarts: Hinny and Which Boy. 

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