Chapter 5: Friends over Love?

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Chapter 5:

Emilie's P.O.V.

"Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh." I paced back and forth as wiped the bead of sweat off my forehead.

"What is it Em, I'm trying to sleep here." Ashley mumbled in her sleep.

"I am freaking out here!" I shrieked, throwing a pillow at her.

"Ow! Why are you freaking out??" She abruptly sat up, as she pulled the switch for the pink furry lamp on.

"Liam is going to watch me practice my dancing in 6 hours!" I nervously babbled as I zoomed to my closet. My eyes frantically searched for the sexiest practice outfit I had. Sighing, I leaned on the wall as Ashley trodded over.

"You didn't tell me that! okay we have got to find the sexiest outfit for dance practice tomorrow for you then." She winked at me as she looked through my clothes.

"I already tried, I don't have anything sexy, just comfortable clothes." I sighed, jumping onto the bed.

"So you do like him?" She grinned at me as she pulled out a pink spaghetti strap that shows off my stomach with black flowy short skirt.

"Okay, Ash, I know dancers wear that, so do I but that is just really slutty, I only got it cause you made me." I crossed my arms.

"It's hot! and besides Liam will be drooling over you in this!" She jumped up and down.

"You do know he has a girlfriend?" I raised a brow at her. The outfit was nice...

"So? he's obviously into you! and besides, I think they're going to break up soon." She grinned as she placed my outfit on the dresser.

"Wait, what? how do you know that, wait, what??" I got up following her like a lost puppy while an evil grin was set on her smug little face.

"Goodnight love." Ashley hopped into bed. 

"You have to tell me Ash!" I crawled into bed pulling the thin sheets over me.

"Night babe." She pulled the switch as we both drifted off to sleep.


The marimba ring tone on my IPhone rang off as I jolted up. Taking a deep breath, I sauntered over to my dresser and snatched the provocative outfit off and made my way into the bathroom. After slipping into my dance outfit, I grabbed my keys and purse as I ran out the door.

"Woah wait there! I have to see how hot you lo-- oh my god!" Ash's mouth hung as she gawked at me.

"What? Oh my god do I look horrible??" I said worriedly rushing to the mirror. 

"No you look really really sexy, I don't see how Liam can't get his hands on you." She winked.

"I really doubt that, I am not sexy at all..." I muttered as I smoothed my blonde hair which was pulled back in a tight bun. 

"You're kidding right? you're beautiful and you know it! now go!" She shoved me towards the door.

"Text me and tell me how it goes kay love?" She grinned shutting the door as I chuckled. She can be so silly sometimes. I tugged at my shirt but realized if I do that cleavage appears. Lovely. 


"Hey ready for another day of amazing practice like always?" Tim smiled at as he set the boom box to my regular warm up song.

"Always." I croaked out. The door creaked open revealing a handsome teen pop star. 

"Hey Emilie." Liam smiled strolling up to me as he squeezed me in a hug. 

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