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After our past selves went into Hagrid's hut, we spent a good amount of time hiding behind the large pumpkins.

I look to the path leading down to Hagrid's and see the Minister walking down, with Dumbledore and the executioner. I slapped Harry's shoulder a few times. "Here they come. We'd better hurry."

I go to move, but Hermione grabs my arm, holding me back. "No! Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him. Or else he'll think Hagrid set him free." She explains.

I sighed and looked back at the hut, able to see us through the window. Hagrid was giving Scabbers to Ron.

"That's Pettigrew-" Harry growled, standing, but Hermione pulled him back down instantly.

"No, Harry, you can't!"

"Hermione, that's the man that betrayed our parents! You really expect me to just sit here-"

"Yes! You must! Harry, you're in Hagrid's hut right now. If you go bursting inside, you'll think you've gone mad. Awful things can happen to wizards who meddle with time. We can't be seen." Hermione says urgently.

I grab his shoulder and make him face me. "Harry. Don't you think I want to go barging on in there and kill the damn thing right now too? But I'd also like to not go mad and and up in St. Mungo's. So, please, stay here."

He hesitates, going over my words in his head. He then nods.

We all look back at the path to see Fudge, Dumbledore, and the executioner drawing closer. I looked at the hut, and saw us still inside, talking.

"Fudge is coming... but we're not leaving." Hermione frowns. "Why aren't we leaving?"

I looked at the ground near the pumpkins and noticed a familiar stone sitting there. It was the one from the past, or rather, the present. I grabbed it and chucked it through the window. I heard the shattering of the vase that I had broke. Hermione grabbed me and pulled me down behind the pumpkins as our past selves looked out the window.

Unfortunately, our past selves didn't notice the three adults coming down to the hut. I glanced at the stem of the pumpkin and saw a few blueberries resting on top. I scooped one up and threw it through the window, hitting the back of Harry's head.

Present Harry peered at himself as both past and present Harry winced. He glared at me. "That hurt."

"Suck it, baby." I rolled my eyes. 

Fudge was now knocking on Hagrid's door. "Come on," Hermione whispered. "Any minute now we'll be coming from Hagrid's back door."

Quickly, Harry, Hermione, and I hurried into the forest behind us and hid behind trees. Meanwhile, our past selves - including Ron that time - snuck down to the pumpkins where we had just been.

I studied myself. I was taller than Harry and Hermione, but still shorter than Ron. Hermione seemed to be doing the same, and she whispered to me. "Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?"

I giggled a little. "Yes."

"Shh!" Harry shushed us. I rolled my eyes but ducked down when my past self whipped around. I saw my resting bitch face and glaring eyes and realized why everyone was always so intimidated by me.

"What?" Past Harry asks, pulling past me forward.

"Nothing..." past me trails off.

"I thought I saw... never mind." past Hermione shakes her head.

And with that, our past selves start up the slope back to Hogwarts. "Now, Harry." I nodded, and turned to Hermione. "Keep a lookout."

Harry and I hurry out from the forest. The crows cawed and I winced, looking at Fudge through the window. But he was still distracted, talking to the others in Hagrid's hut.

As Harry and I approached Buckbeak, the hippogriff studied us curiously. Harry and I exchanged a nervous glance, then bowed, like Hagrid had taught us. After a second, Buckbeak bowed back. I let out a sigh of relief. Harry started grabbing the metal chain and untying it from the fence as I kept Buckbeak calm and distracted.

" 'The Committee's appointed executioner shall dispatch the condemned by means of beheading...' " I hear Fudge reading from his official documents.

"Let's go Harry." I mumble urgently.

Harry untied the chain and started pulling slightly. "Come on, Buckbeak, come on..." He murmured to the sitting hippogriff. Despite Harry's words, he still sat.


The Hogwarts bell began to toll, like a twisted countdown. Harry and I exchanged a glance. Harry tugged harder. But the beast wouldn't budge. I went over and tugged too.


I noticed a rack nearby, lined with dead ferrets. I rushed over and grabbed one. I dangled it a few feet away from Buckbeak's face. "Come on, Buckbeak. Get your lazy arse up, we gotta go!" I hiss.

"You're great with animals." Harry laughs.

"Shut your trap."

Buckbeak slowly stood and trotted after me. I smirk at my brother. The door to Hagrid's suddenly opened and we froze. Fudge began to look our way, but Dumbledore raised his hand and pointed to the sky to distract everyone. So that's what he was doing when we saw him from up at the castle. He knew what we were doing.

Harry tugged on the chain as I held out another ferret, after feeding the first to Buckbeak. We disappeared into the forest just as Dumbledore finished speaking.

"Let's get this on with-" Fudge stopped when he saw that Buckbeak had gone. "But- where is it? I just saw it not moments ago- Hagrid?"

"Beaky... "

Hearing Hagrid's voice, Buckbeak strained at his tether, whimpering eerily. I tossed him another ferret.

Dumbledore, with a hint of amusement, beamed. "How extraordinary!"

"Come now, Dumbledore. Someone's obviously released him. " Fudge said.

Hagrid spoke up, panicked "Professor, I swear! I didn't! "

"I'm quite sure the Minister isn't suggesting that you had anything to do with it, Hagrid. How could you? You've been with us all along. "

"We should search the grounds- "

"Search the skies if you must, Minister. In the meantime, I wouldn't say no to a cup of tea, Hagrid. Or... a large brandy. " Dumbledore turned to the Executioner. "It seems your services will no longer be required. "

The Executioner lifted his blade and- with a brutal fury- plunged it into the flesh of a large pumpkin with a sickening chop.

As crows scattered to the skies, I grinned. We had saved Buckbeak. One down, one more to go.

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