36. Eeeeaaaw

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Everyone is the Church's servant, doing its will and helping its leaders.

The Manuals of the Bunker, Vol. 1, Verse 8

 1, Verse 8

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With a splash, I landed in the pile of muck at the bottom of the chute. My legs buckled, and I fell forward.

The stench made me gag.

"Now, who do we have here?" The speaker stood before me, hands on his shovel, grinning.


Spitting gunk, I pushed myself up onto my knees.

The guy raised his shovel as if it to take a swing at my head.

"Stop!" Jasmine entered the image, grabbing the tool's socket.

"Lemme squash this bug." He snatched the shovel from her, but she now stood between him and me.

I rose and stepped away from the waste, still dazed by the impact of my hard landing.

"This is none of your business, Jasmine." Frankie pushed her out of the way. "Captain Wolfe will love it when I bring him this little traitor scumbag"

A screech from above stopped him mid-sentence.


Flailing her arms, Amy barreled down the chute. She hit the waste with an ugly squelch and sprayed all of us with smelly liquids.

"Shite onna heap!" she said and got up.

"Who the hell's that?" Frankie lowered his shovel and stared at the mud-clogged redhead, his eyes wide open.

She ignored him and stepped to my side. Brownish muck covered her pants and feet. She tried wiping it off and failed. "Eww!"

"Hey, I'm talking to you. I'm the foreman here." Frankie smirked at me while saying this.

I didn't envy him for the job.

Amy glowered at Frankie from under the war stripe adorning her forehead. "Good fer ye. Then go and clean yer craphole."

"Watch your tongue, girl." Frankie hefted his spade and stood before her, legs apart, with his knees slightly bent. "And clean your filthy face before you talk to me."

I saw it coming before Amy even moved.

She swung her leg and kicked his soft parts. "Watch yer dick, idiot."

Frankie dropped the tool and held both his hands over his groin, his face red, eyes bulging. He groaned.

"Frankie!" Jasmine went to the foreman's side and touched his arm.

He brushed her away and glowered at Amy. "You'll regret this, you little piece of shit. I'll—"

His voice trailed off when he saw the gun Amy pointed at him.

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