Can Masturbation Cause Health Problems?

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In most cases, masturbation is safe and even good for you. It can help you explore your body and relieve both sexual and emotional tension.

Contrary to myths, self-pleasure doesn't cause blindness or infertility. It benefits sleep quality and does away with depression and irritability.

While masturbating, one cannot become pregnant or contract sexually transmitted diseases. The exception is when one uses someone else's sex toys or comes in contact with genitals of another person.

Infections are spread through seminal and vaginal fluids.

If masturbation doesn't cause you discomfort or interfere with your daily life, it is absolutely harmless.

Here's two fun facts about masturbation:
- One: Yes, it's very healthy.
- Two: It is a sin to masturbate. It's identified as "false pleasure", kind of like using a dildo, it's frowned upon.
However, we all do it. It is healthy. I do it. My hubby does it. I use vibrators and dildos when he's gone to work, and when we have sex he uses the vibrator on my clit. It does help to orgasm.
I'm not forcing religion upon anyone, feel free to believe what you want. Do I believe it's a sin? Yeah. But so is a number of other things I do. Do I repent for them at night? Absolutely! But I'm not going to tell people they're going to Hell if they wank. First of all, that's not for me to decide and secondly, it's a personal choice, you do whatever you wanna do, but just know that it is considered a sin.

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