chapter thirty three

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Thankyou guiessss for all the reads and votes!! Its means soo much to me. I absolutely love writing this story and I have loads and loads of ideas planned out :D cant wait for yoou guiesssss to be able to read itt!!!!

Stefan drove the car around to the front of the house so that Hollee and I didn't have to walk too far in our heels, even though Hollee was far more than capable with walking in heels as was I, It was me that convinced Stefan that parking outside the house would be better and less tiresome for our legs. Even though I tend to wear heels more often than not nowadays (Thanks to Hollee's influence) I still didn't like walking places in them if i didn't have to. So i guess I kind off have to admit that I'm slightly lazy when it comes to walking...Or any other form of excersize.

We pulled up behind a black truck that was parked directly in front of the lockwoods porch. Something about that truck was awfully familiar, but the more I stared at it the harder it seemed to recall where I had seen it before. I noticed Hollee was looking at it as well a smile tugging at her lips.

Stefan stopped the car and the three of us got out. I walked around to the other side to stand next to Stefan and Hollee who was smoothing down the odd crease in her dress. I linked my arm through Hollee's and gave Stefan a smile.

"Thanks for today."

Stefan shook his head from side to side, a smile on his own face. "It wasn't a problem." He then turned to face Hollee. "It was nice to meet you."

Hollee gave him a polite smile. "You too, Stefan."

"I'll see you later" I called over my shoulder as Hollee and I started walking away.

I tightened my arm around Hollee's as we approached the black truck, something about it made me feel funny.Where the hell do I know that truck from?

"What's between you and Stefan?" Hollee's voice asked. I looked over at her and she was already looking at me curious.

I frowned. "What do you mean? Nothing."

Hollee shrugged as if it wasn't important. "It's just th-" Hollee stopped mid sentence and paused for a brief second. "Mason?!" Hollee called excitedly.

"Hollee?" A familiar masculine voice called back.

My head shot up to find where the voice came from and I froze on the spot, pulling Hollee to a hault next to me. Mason Lockwood was standing right in front of me.

My eyes widened in shock and my insides twisted.

Hollee didn't notice my hesitation or if she did she ignored it and greeted Mason with a large grin. She unlinked her arm from mine and moved forward, wrapping her arms around Mason's neck. Mason then locked his arms around her waist, lifting her slightly off of the ground...But his eyes never left mine. He was in as much shock as I was. Although I doubt he was as angry as I was. I could feel it begin to bubble up inside me as flashes of that night appear in my head.

My hands clench together at my side as they break apart.

"How've you been?" Hollee questioned, coming back to my side.

Mason grinned. "I've been great, how've you been? How's London?"

Hollee faultered slightly as the sound of London, but quickly pulled it back together before Mason was able to notice. Her smile was slightly more forced that it had been before but she continues to converse with him normally.

I blocked out most of their conversation, trying to just ignore Mason whole presence -It wasn't working very well. But i was still trying. I let my eyes raked over everyone that was milling around outside.

Imagination is the key (stefan, Damon love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now