Battle Of Cavalry

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After Izuku just finished the obstacle course and winning it, he was waiting for the other to come and when they did Midnight announced that the person in first place is worth 10,000,000 points making Izuku the next target in the cavalry battle.

"Alright students now that you know how the person in first place is worth I'll explain the rules, the cavalry battle is a team effort that you make a team of 4 to 3 people and the adjective is to steal the other teams headbands to get the most points until the time runs ou so get started and make your team" Midnight said as she cracked her whip.

Soon the students were going around trying to find people to join their teams but for Izuku he was having some difficulty try to find one person to join his team.

"H-hey Ojiro would-" said Izuku as he was interrupted.

"Sorry Midoriya said Ojiro" as he walk away.

"I guess it make sense nobody wants to want to be with the guy who has 10,000,000 points they'll be a target too" Izuku said as he let out a sigh.

But then Izuku heard someone behind him.

"Hey Deku let's work together" said Ochako.

The fact that Ochako actually wanted to team up with Izuku it cause him cry tears of joy.

"Are you sure Ochako that you want to team up with me and stupid points" Izuku said as he kept crying

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"Are you sure Ochako that you want to team up with me and stupid points" Izuku said as he kept crying.

"Yeah I think we should team up with the people we like" said Ochako.

"Thanks Ochako and I think I know who should join us too" said Izuku.

Then Izuku turn toward Iida and started to walk toward him.

"Hey Iida why don't we team up" said Izuku.

"Yeah Iida with you on our team we'll win for sure" said Ochako.

But then Izuku and Ochako was met with disappointment.

"I'm sorry but I have to decline your offer I'm joining Todoroki's team" said Iida.

"But why Iida" asked Ochako.

"Because I've been losing to you Midoriya since the beginning of the sports festival so that's why I'll be trying my best to beat" said Iida.

"I understand Iida so that's why I'll try my best not to lose" said Izuku.

Iida was surprised by Izuku answer but just smiled at the end.

"So then I guess today we are rivals" said Iida.

"Yeah but just for today, when this all over then we go back to being friends" Izuku said as he put his hand out for a hand shake.

"Indeed I hope to see you in the finals" Iida said as he shook Izuku hand.

"Same here" said Izuku.

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