Chapter 10 - Spicy Nipple

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"Are you sure?" Jacob asked, his eyebrow cocked. He wanted confirmation before he took this game to the level the other teen seemed to want, even if it involved pain and possible scarring. He was never really this mean or vindictive, but maybe Spizzo's cockiness had that sort of effect on people.

"Give me your worst," Spizzo replied. There was a glint in the other teen's eye that piqued his interest.

"I dare you to rub hot sauce on your nipples."

Spizzo laughed.

"That's all you have?"

He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't really that. He wasn't too thrilled with what was about to happen but he couldn't really complain, could he? He did ask for thing to ramp up.

"See if you're laughing in a minute," said Jacob, trying hard to sound threatening, but not really pulling it off. "You're just lucky I'm not telling you to rub it on your junk."

"I'm sure you'd like to see that, homo," the other teen teased playfully. He was thankful though, because hot sauce on the balls sounded like medieval torture.

Jacob growled, not happy with Spizzo's dig. He stood up in a huff, pulling up Spizzo's shorts to keep them from falling down. "I'm getting the hot sauce."

He trudged inside, heading straight for the cupboard where he'd seen a few bottles of hot sauce when he was making the dumpster cocktail. Rummaging around, he was able to pull out four bottles of the stuff. He looked at the labels.

'Satan's Blood' had a cool sound to it, almost like it would burn like the depths of hell, whereas the simply named 'Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce' let the pepper's reputation speak for itself. 'Scorpion Ghost Reaper' went all out with the trifecta, trying to squeeze as much fire in as they could, while 'Ultra Death Sauce' just had a nice ring to it.

Whoever in the Spizzinelli household loved spicy things was a godsend.

Deciding that Spizzo was going to suffer enough, Jacob brought all four bottles out with him to let the other teen choose for himself. It was the least he could do.

Spizzo's gulp was audible as Jacob returned to the deck, four bottles of hot sauce in hand. Having been left alone for a solid five minutes, his bravado had begun to fade and the worry had settled in. He began to mentally curse his brother for his love for spicy things because he knew what was coming out.

"I thought I'd let you choose which one you want to use," Jacob told him, setting the bottles on the table between them.

"Oh, how kind of you," Spizzo replied sarcastically. He eyed the bottles, unsure which would be the best option. If a touch of chilli powder he'd once accidentally left on his fingers that he then used on his 'sensitive areas' was a bad time, then any of these sauces were going to be hellfire.

Deciding that all of the sauces were pretty much the same, he grabbed the one with a scorpion on the label and opened the lid. He dabbed a decent glob onto his index finger before putting down the bottle and lifting the other teen's t-shirt he was still wearing to expose his nipple.

"Here it goes," he said to himself as he pressed the glob to his chest.

His body didn't take long to communicate how terrible an idea this dare was as the heat began to build quickly.

"Fuck, fuck fuck," Spizzo chanted, panic setting in. "That fucking burns!"

"Well, yeah?" Jacob replied, surprised that he actually went through with it. "What else did you expect from rubbing hot sauce on your nipple?"

Spizzo grunted at the other teen, not amused in the slightest. "Quick, help, that's hot, fuck," he said between clenched teeth.

"How?" was all Jacob could think to ask.

"I don't know, milk? If it works for your mouth it should work for a nipple right?" said Spizzo, grasping at anything that might help his situation right now.

With a growing feeling of guilt at the disaster he created, Jacob rushed inside to grab the carton of milk from the fridge. As he approached Spizzo with milk in hand, he remembered the circumstances they were in, telling him, "take off my shirt, I don't want milk stains on it."

"Of course this was some ploy to get me topless," Spizzo growled as he ripped the too-tight tee over his head and threw it to the floor. "Give me the milk."

"Geez, that's one spicy nipple," Jacob muttered, mostly to himself, as he picked his t-shirt up off the floor and watched Spizzo pour milk over his chest. The glare he got from the other teen, however, made him regret his words the instant they left his mouth.

"Oh, you're gonna get it now." Spizzo said, feeling somewhat of a reprieve from the burning on his chest. "Truth or dare?"

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