39 || Rey

325 9 3

<Skip to Eric already at Mocré>

Eric's POV

A mere butler opened my door,I went out with elegantly, doing the casual thing I do after getting out of a car.

I then slowly went inside walking while getting my phone from my pocket. I wore a white plain shirt paired with black pants, a black leather jacket to finish the look.

I looked at my phone and there was a new text message.

        5:45 PM

<1 new text message>

  from: Juliet Shim

               Eric-san, I'm going to be late a little, just please ask where my reservation is.
                                                             Sent: 5:30 PM

   I seen  her  text and offed my phone, I reached the inside, the usually gold wallpaper was still in place,

They had new big crystal chandeliers and a new customer services, The uniform of the workers are still the same.

I searched the room in luck to find Y/n's cousin, practically she works here.

A then worker approached me, She had red crimson hair, that was tied up in a bun, wore the regular black  female worker uniform, She had peach freckled skin and pink succulent small lips.

She had a kind smile plastered on her face as she put her right hand over her chest and  bowed a little then moved her mouth,

" Good evening sir, Do you have a reservation here?" She said kindly.

" I have a reservation here at 6:00, a reservation from Juliet Shim." I said as she eyed me as if she was surprised...well, the look she gave me was something that tells if she  was surprised.

" Oh my, I'm sorry that I didn't recognize you Mr, Mun." She humbly apologize.

" It's fine." I said casually.

" Please, this way." She said gesturing to the dining room.

I followed her into the large dining room, it was filled with guests and high-classed people. The dining room design was in Spring theme.

Each table has a vase of pink cherry blossom flowers that were freshly picked out from a garden, the wallpaper was now in a pinkish color and the table covers are now white instead of gold.

We surpassed a lot of tables until we reached the center of the room, there was a sign that said, RESERVED on top of the white round table.

There instead of only cherry blossoms only, there were also different kinds of flowers including roses, daffodils and a lot more.

" Mr.Mun here it is. The reservation." She said bowing as one of her hand gestured to the table and the other on her chest.

" Thank you" I said as i sat down on the white stable chair.

" Is there anything you need Mr. Mun?" She said looking at me in the eyes.

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