13. Wait for Me, Bae

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Lmao so Kasey is like so freaking cute I can't even with her. Tell me what you think of this chapter. What are you predictions? And don't forget to VOTE VOTE VOTE. ALSO IF YOU HAVE TIME VOTE ON THE PROLOGUE OF MY BOOK THE STD TRACE FOR THIS CONTEST I'M IN. APPRECIATE IT :)


                While ignoring Justin’s irritated and exasperated sighs, I squinted down hard at the controller in my hand. It always looks so easy to play PS4 on TV and when other people do it. But actually having the controller in my hand, in my grasp, it just feels like a loaded gun waiting to go off and I don’t want to accidentally shoot anyone.

                “Ugh, are you going to start or not?” Justin groaned.

                I rolled my eyes, turning to glare at him from his seat on the couch beside me. “If you would give me some time—”

                “How much time do you need?” He placed his hands over mine that are hovering over the controls. “I taught you how to play the game already. You press R2 to shoot, R1 for grenades, L2 to aim, X to jump over obstacles, circle to crouch, square to reload, and L3 to run. How hard is it?”

                “Okay, but lets say I press the wrong button, Justin, and I die?”

                “It’s just Call of Duty!”

                “But I want to be good at it!”

                “You’re a girl, I doubt you’ll be good at it.” He snorted.

                I turned all the way around to scowl at him. “Excuse me?”

                Blushing, he cleared his throat. “You know what I meant.” He put my hands on the controller the way they are meant to be with my fingers hovering over the triggers. “Now, just try to play the game. It’s easy, I promise.”

                After a deep breath, I pressed X and began the game. Online players started speaking to one another and I squinted at the huge flat screen in front of me, pressing down onto the trigger at an opponent in front of me. Watching as he died, I smiled, running around until I could find another opponent, killing all the enemies in my way. Hey, this game isn’t bad after all. Justin is right.

                “Oh my God this is so much fun!” I squealed, shooting another opponent. My blood is rushing through my veins and I feel exhilarated. I now see why boys play video games. It’s highly engaging. The second thing closest to this is exercise.

                Laughing, Justin leaned back on the couch. “You’re actually not that bad…For a girl.” He snorted. I rolled my eyes and focused on the game ahead of me. “Is there anything you’re not good at?”

                “Being around members of the opposite sex and graphic designing,” I answered, my tongue sticking out the side of my mouth as I shoot opponents.

                “You seem to be okay around me.”

                “Well, sometimes like on the surface. But inside I have panic attacks. Then if we get intimate that multiplies by a hundred.”

                “Wow, good to know.” He chuckled.

                “Don’t get any ideas, Justin,” I warned.

                “I’m not, I’m not.”

                From the corner of my eye, I stole a glance at him and he looks as if lost in thought. I paused the game and laid a hand on his leg. “Hey, are you okay?”

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