TL 17

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I hesitated for a while before getting out from my apartment. Why should I meet him.

"Yoojung, I dan't wanna go see him" I whinned to Yoojung.

"It's just for a while. Have a talk with him then come back home" Yoojung assures me as she hold my hand.

"I'll wait for you, here" She encourege me to see Taehyung.

I'll board my car and drive to the cafe that we usually meet. After a while, I finally arrives at the cafe. I went straight into the cafe and meet him. I see him at the corner of cafe and I walk towards him.

I takes a sit in front of him. I didn't plastered any smile on my face.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asks him.

"Why don't you order a cup of coffee first?"

"I don't have the time for a cup of coffee. Now, straight to the point please."

"Sohyun-ah, I am..."

"Before you start anything, let me clear the thing first. The reason why I decided to meet you today is not because of you or anything else, it is because of Yoojung. She pleaded me to see you"

"I know...and I am really sorry for lying to you. I shouldn't have do that."

"Thing that you've done to me is evil. I was the one who blinded by your act. Surely, I am dumb enough for you to fool"

"No, don't say things like that. I should have know that I can't play with other's feeling as it will play with my feeling itself." Now, I can't brain his words.

"Sohyun-ah, would give me a second chance?" He pleaded and holds my hand tightly.

I let go of his hand and I fel so disgusted with him. What? A second chance.

"No, there is no second chance because at the first place there is nothing at all"

"You're lying to me. I know you love me. Your eyes say that."

"Who are you to know me so well. I've had enough of this Taehyung. Let everything ends here".

"No, I won't give up on you easily."

"Here." I give him back the necklace he give to me.

"I've got to go. I hope this is the last time I will see you". I hurriedly leave the cafe.

I went to my car. Ahhh!!! I am so stressed when I see my tyre is punctured. Why did all of this happen to me. I kick off the tyre.

"Don't do that. It will hurt your leg." When did he come here? Taehyung recline to my car.

"This is not your business. Please go!"
I grabbed my phone to call my manager. He just keep staring at me while I am calling him. Oh my god. He didn't answer my phone.

He is smiling at me when I feel annoyed to my manager. I give him a good glare. I called him again and he didn't answer.

Yoojung? No I have been troubling her a lot.

"Come. Let me send you home." He offers.

"No need. I have my own leg and I can fetch a taxi." I sarcastically decline his offer.

He grabbed my hand as soon as I'm trying to walk away.

"Don't be stubborn. It's already 6 p.m. and it is hard to find a taxi here." I am still not move an inch.

"Okay, I'll scream until everyone else see us unless you followed me."

"What are you doing?" I covers his mouth as he trying to scream. I don't want involve in amy scandalous rumor again.

"Okay. I'll followed you." I send a message to my manager to pick up my car here. And I give him a good warning for not answering my call.

He leads the way to his car in basement park. I followed him silently.

Along the journey, he is yrying to talk to me but, I don't have any feelings to reply to it.

"Sohyun-ah, are you doing well this day?."

"No. I am not." I am so lucky that my apartment is nearby to the restaurant.

But, at the traffic light, he didn't make a right turn to my apartment building but he turn left towards the Namsan Hill.

"What are you trying to do?. Please send me home." I starts annoyed with him.

"Well, since this is the last time you went out with me, I have a place that I want to go with you."

"But I don't want!!"

"We already going. There's nothing you can do." What's wrong with this man. How can I know him. I am disbelief. I tryng to calm down.

'Sso-ya, why aren't you coming home' A text from Yoojung. I bet she is worries because I didn't came home yet. This is all because the psycho man beside me.

'I'll be home after a while. Don't worry about me.' Sent.

Now, where are we going...

To be continued.

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