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We all turned in sudden, cold horror. There before us stood the enemy ship's crew, all wearing their traitorous fatigues. The voice we heard came from one standing furthest from the recently downed ship. The one closest to us. Huge in stature, she was some kind of quartz. An Amethyst more than likely. But there was something wrong with her, she was different... She was an offcolour. Instead of the typical purple, her skin was a tint of pale red. And her gemstone, placed on her right shoulder like a giant crimson piece of armour, was resembling a deep jasper. Her hair, the only normal part of her, flowed around in the mountain's wind; flaunting that almost white colour of red. More and more gems would come from the rubble and circle distanced from us as she continued to speak.

"Do you really think we'd give in that easy?"

In the moment, I looked over to 4-V as a leader, hoping that they'd know what to do. But something had her froze, she just looked blank with fear at the towering soldier.

"What, you expect me to be broken?" She snickers, "Honestly, it wasn't even that much of a fall..."

"All these homeworld gems are the same, just expecting their enemies to magically crumble before them, like we're any weaker then they are."

Completely surrounded by the growing rage of the slowly self-destructing ship, she carelessly inspected her nails.

"You're brave, I'll give you that. But... Let me ask you"

She stopped for a second, and looked 4-V straight in the eyes. Starting to walk closer to us, she spoke.

"Do you have any idea what you're even fighting for?"

"Maybe why you do it?"

10-U took a step back as she was almost bending over us.

But 4-V didn't back down, instead, her blankness and shock turned back into anger; lowering her eyebrows to an aggressive look, there was a crease forming between her eyes above on her forehead. Exhausted but fierce, she bit back in a harsh tone.

"I do it-" There was a pause as she grit her teeth in pain and changed her stance. "I do it for my Diamond!"

4-V then had jumped up with her one arm outstretched to upper cut the quartz soldier. The rebel's crooked smirk broke away and smashed out as her jaw was hit with a hard blow from 4's fist. All the gems behind her started to summon their weapons as a response; it was a harmonious flash of different colours, all resulting in hammers, axes, spears, and swords. 

Staggering back and grunting at first, she started laughing again.

"...And why's that, Pipsqueak?" She asks with a chuckle, wiping her mouth of some lost spit. Again, a smile started to make its way across her face.

All of us were shocked by her response to such an attack, but more so 4-V. She stood there half angry, half horrified as the quartz again approached. Without answering to the rebel, 4-V turned to face us,

"There's no way we can take on all of them alone, we should probably fuse." She whispered.

I was on board mostly for the idea, but with the rest of the squad gone, we wouldn't be as strong as we should be,

"What about boss and 3-KE?" I protest.

"Poofed by the ship earlier, the crew took em'- We'll just have to bare." 4-V says.

All of us nod, looking at one another, we started to grab each other's hands in a connected circle. Pulling ourselves closer to one another suddenly. 10-U's forehead began to glow with the light of her gem as she closed her eyes. Next, 4's knee would start. And finally, my arm finished the ritual.

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