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The entire situation felt like a business transaction.

"How does your world work? I-I mean...is there a government?"

Adlaric sat back in his seat. "We have a constitutional monarchy. There are packs ruled by Alphas and those Alphas report to the King. Alphas are similar to governors of states in your country. Those Alphas are responsible for the care of those under him. Each Alpha may have one or two Betas. Betas act as enforcers of pack legislation. An Alpha may make a decree in his pack, but in all situations, someone from the Royal Enforcement must certify it. This is how we uphold Lycanthrope rights."

Eve moved to the edge of her seat slightly. "And all those Alphas have certain land restrictions. You said there's a King? I'm confused, wouldn't certain wolves have issues with a dictatorship?"

"Wolves are much different from humans, Evangeline. We crave order and hierarchy. The fundamentals of our society mimic those of our animals. Humans crave freedom and individuality. Lycans crave family and ranks."

Eve still held skepticism in her voice. "And you're okay being ruled by one person? There's a reason why there are checks and balances within most bodies of governments."

"Your concern is that the King will become corrupt and therefore not look after the well-being of those underneath him?"

Eve nodded.

"The King has natural instincts as well. It is physically impossible for the King to purposefully hurt those in his Kingdom. Not only does it go against every instinct of the King, he also has an emotional connection with every wolf in the realm. Whatever they feel, the King feels."

"So, there's like a check of power literally within the King. Well, what about others? You said every Alpha has a Beta. Does the King have one too?"

Adalric nodded. "That Beta is called the Royal Beta. Royal Beta is in charge of Lycanthrope Enforcement which is the FBI, CIA, INTERPOL, and police force all in one. He responds to the King."

She sat silently with her head on her arms on the desk.

She's adorable, he thought. Her lips were pursed slightly and her curly hair fell into her eyes. She was so intrigued by their world and so eager to adapt to what he threw at her. Her eyebrows furrowed and he could easily smell the hesitancy coming from her.

"You may ask Evangeline." He leaned forward and laid his arms on his desk. She peered up at him and bit her lip.

"What about mates?"

Adlaric smiled. "When Lycanthropes were created, on man was paired with one wolf counterpart. Both souls were put into one host. We are 50 percent wolf and 50 percent man. In all cases, the wolf and the human are not compatible. They rage internal warfare within their host. The human aspect of us are always prohibiting and containing the more feral side. The older we get the more carnal we become. The purpose of mates is to tame the beast so the human can have complete control. Mates make us feel... human. They're the best thing in our lives. A mate has locks that need our keys and keys that fit our locks."

"So, it's like true love?"

"It's so much deeper than that, Evangeline. The love we have for our mates is so splendid that it reaches our soul. Our souls intertwine and our hearts beat as one. When wolves complete the process, each mate feels the other's emotions and can enter their thoughts."

The way he explained it made it seem magical. Evangeline supposed the entire thing was untouchable to her, but she was a romantic at heart. She wanted someone to make her feel the way he described. She wanted to be the light in someones darkness.

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