Chapter Two

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The Decision

After last night's mess, all the girls wanted was good sleep, which they didn't get. The following morning the four teenagers woke up on a cold floor in front of a huge castle

 The following morning the four teenagers woke up on a cold floor in front of a huge castle

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- Uhm, I don't think we're in Rosehill anymore. - said Larissa
- Well actually, you're not wrong. Welcome to Gleba, this is the planet where it all began!
- Wait! I know you! You're the guy from that weird video message! - said Tiffany
- Yes I am, my name is Vograk and I am part of the Kvatel. As I mentioned earlier, something very dangerous is coming, that is why we need you.
- And what was that attack yesterday? - asked Tiffany curiously
- You have been attacked?! - asked Vograk with a concerned look on his face
- Yeah, we've been attacked but Tiff used that boujee necklace you gave us and we vanquished the monster that attacked us, it's all good! - explained Larissa
- You were able to use the Odethea? Well, then it means that the keeper of the Odethea is Tiffany. You can unite only by her, when you unite your powers, you become stronger. Have you also turned? - asked Vograk
- Turned? - asked Cleo
- We work with the most powerful creatures in the world, fairies. There's not many fairies left but those alive helped us and granted you with a fairy form, this helps your powers evolve.
- We haven't turned yet and what do you mean by keeper? You said that I am the keeper of Odethea. Why? - asked Tiffany, waiting for answers
- It means that you are the one who has the deepest connection to the magical realm and the reason the Odethea chose you is unknown, yet. The Odethea is not just a necklace, it has another realm in it, do not underestimate its powers! - Vograk warned the girls - Also, you have a choice. You do not have to accept your destiny. If you choose not to accept it, you will not remember anything, though the apocalypse will still happen. You have to make a decision by the end of the day! Goodbye! - Vograk said goodbye and then sent the girls back to their dimension

It was Tuesday morning, the girls got out of their beds and went to school. At school everything was normal. Cleo, Yasmin, Larissa, they all had their group of friends, except for Tiffany.
Tiffany did not try to fit in, she just went with the flow. No matter how much she wanted to unite the girls, she did not want to break her promise, she wanted to focus on herself first and foremost.
- Hey Tiffany! I was curious, it seems like Cleo and Larissa don't really care about the big decision but I want you to know that I'm in. I always wanted to be a hero and now I have the chance to save the world and kick some demon ass. Hell yeah I'm in! - Yasmin reassured Tiffany about her decision - Anyway, what class do you have next?
- I have Biology. You?
- Me too! You didn't sound really excited about the class. You don't like Biology?
- Science is not really my thing, besides, we just learned that magic is real, I don't believe a word in science anymore. - Tiffany told Yasmin and then the two went to class

After school, Tiffany decided that it would be a great idea to practice. She asked the others and when everyone agreed to it, the girls went to Silver Valley Bridge that was located suburbs.
Tiffany pulled the Odethea out of her bag and stared at it
- So, how do we do it? - asked Larissa
- I think we all have to feel the power, I don't know though, that counselor guy didn't give instructions - said Yasmin
- We do it the same way we did yesterday! We hold on to each other and feel the strength within ourselves! - ordered Cleo

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