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The pale moonlight flowing into the bedroom was the only reason they could see the outline of one another, as Alina straddled Sorin's lap over his bed. But of course, there were another four senses in play, all fully functional. Locking her hair behind her ear with his finger, Sorin looked at the blue-painted face that stared back at him with sparkly eyes.

— I missed you so much — he brought a palm to her cheek, noticing a smile.

— I thought I'd never see you again — she breathed out, and he chuckled.

— You think I ran away because of Manish? I'm not scared of a little competition.

— There is no competition — Alina shot back in certainty, no smile on her face; which had Sorin wearing off his. Pulling her face closer, his lips met hers hungrily, tongues intertwining as the hands looked to have as much of the other as possible. His traveled down from her hair until they settled on her waist, and she adjusted her hips as to "unintentionally" rub against his pants.

Alina shivered when Sorin's hands slid under her shirt, touching her bare skin. He massaged her with his thumbs and it made her let out a soft groan in between kisses, as she reached for the top button on his shirt so as to start undoing it. Pulling back from her lips, he then grabbed both sides of the purple tank top and pulled it over Alina's head, revealing her breasts and resting against the headboard with a satisfied smile.

— What are you leaning back at the wall for? — she teased, getting back to work down the buttons. — Am I going to have to do all the work myself?

— Are you calling me lazy? — he groaned, bolting forward until he dropped Ali's back onto the mattress and fell over her, making her laugh.

With free access to his chest now, Alina roamed her palms over to his shoulders as he tried to move one of the arms backwards so he could be freed of the shirt. Giving up, Sorin then moved the kisses down to her neck, and Alina closed her eyes, letting her body be washed over by the warmth of having Sorin there. Each touch of his lips against her skin sent a bolt of lightning through her veins, and at that moment, she felt like she could spend the rest of her life that way.

Snapping back to reality, Alina unbuttoned Sorin's jeans and started pushing them down, but they only went as far as her hands could reach. Looking up, she let out a chuckle.

— I don't think getting out of our pants in this position will be very sexy — she whispered, and Sorin looked up at her with a tilted head. Jumping up and off of her, he then wiggled out of his pants and she did the same to hers as she observed the bulge on his white boxers.

Propping herself up with her shoulder, Alina turned over to the other side so she'd be lying her head on the pillows, but didn't lose eye contact with Sorin for a second; and he noticed. As she bit her lip, the man let his eyesight travel down her now entirely nude figure, sprawled across the bed and just waiting for him like dinner had been served. She quietly watched as he finally slid down the underwear, discarding them in a painfully slow manner. Glancing back at her, lust flushed on his eyes, and Alina quickly tousled the blanket and hid her body under it. Sorin then pulled up the corner of it so he could join her, but didn't go for a kiss this time, and instead buried his head between her breasts.

— You're so beautiful — rumbled the deep voice, and Alina could only reply with a heavy sigh as he alternated kissing and biting on her breast while fervidly rubbing the other. Once he started a trail of kisses down her venter, Alina looked over at his head, slipping further and further away, and got a hold of the brown locks between her fingers. Sorin kissed the inside of her tights, sending shivers down her spine, and now, there was only one thing left to do...

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