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I think that this is one of my best chapters yet!
Hope you will likeit!

Yet again another
Time skip...

No one's P.O.V.

Finally the day had come!
The wedding day!

Everyone was getting ready for the legendary moment, because as soon as prince Kai is married he will not only become a husband but a king as well.
And his bride will be his queen!


He won't!
He won't take him away from me!
I won't allow him to!
He is mine and only mine!

These are the thoughts of a princess Skylar!

He won't take him!

Thaught she getting closer abd closer to Lloyd's room with two loyal guards of her's!

She wasn't ready to take the risk of him stopping her marriage.

As they got to the room they knocked and as soon as the door opened Lloyd was hit on head and fall unconscious.

They took him and went to the castles basement.

As soon as the were there Skylar ordered the gourds to leave and don't tell a soul.

Time skip...

For some time now she was waiting for him to wake up.
The ceremony was about to begin so she almost left until sge heard a painful groan from Lloyd's detection.


Thaught she as she went closer to Lloyd.

As Lloyd opened his eyes he saw a figure standing in front of him.
It was

Lloyd:" What the hell?"

Skylar:" Your finally awake!

Lloyd:" What are you doing?
Why am I here?"

Skylar:" Oh nothing much!~
I just wanted to get rid of you before the ceremony starts so you couldn't pull any tricks, but what fun it will be if I won't hear you screaming?!~"

Lloyd's hart skipped a beat!
Not only she was about to marry his ex his daughter's father his love,
She was about to kill him.

Lloyd:" Your a crazy psychopath!!! "

Said Lloyd getting up.

Lloyd:" If you wanted to kill me you should of at last tied me up."

Said Lloyd getting into fighting position

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