26//14 Nights in Emeliano's Bed

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14 Nights in Emeliano's Bed

By: @emelradine

* * C O M P L E T E D * *

Forced to spend two weeks with a monster like Emeliano Alfredo, innocent and determined Rebecca Lewis's life changed for the worse.

Traveling back to the town where she was born, Rebecca Lewis had a toe to toe argument with the most ruthless bastard in town. Little did she know that her not so clever act would put her in danger.


14 days. One mansion. One bed. One innocent woman. One not so innocent man. What could go wrong?


I read this in literally a day because of how enticing it was. God, I would kill to meet Emeliano. Lots of plot twists and shocking turns... and also some smut if you're into that hahaha. There is also a sequel that the author is working on. Highly recommend!!

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