17 ⸸

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"What did they do to you today." The doctor quietly asked, concerned about Seokjin. The silhouette and him both jumped as they heard a sound, a sound familiar to him.

Seokjin pointed towards a vent hidden above his cage.

"Hide there, don't move or speak."

"How am I going to reach up there? It's too-" The man was in shock when Seokjin grabbed his foot to give him a jump boost so he could hide.

"Wow, he's strong!" The doctor's eyes widened. He found a camera inside of the vent he was crouched inside, so he covered it, praying no one saw him when he climbed inside of it.

A group of people entered the room, and pushed a blue button that Namjoon previously noticed, blinking. He wondered what it was.

"Mr. Kim, it's time for your medications." The man answered a question Namjoon had in his head: "May I consume something before taking them? I haven't..." He sighed.

"I haven't consumed anything in awhile and I'm feeling low on energy." The nurses held back their laughter, and mocked the man's voice.

"May I consume something? Mr. Kim, I'm afraid that's not going to happen. You know very well at what time our experiments feast, and it's not your time yet." Namjoon was hearing everything, feeling pity for Seokjin and disgusted by the way they treated him.

Five men sat him down on a hard wooden chair and strapped his arms and legs, the man didn't even flinch. He just stayed still, as if he was used to these actions already.

"Hold still, now. You'll just feel a little pinch." The nurse wrapped a rubber band around Seokjin's arm tightly until his veins popped up after five minutes of trying. He gripped onto the arms of the wooden chair, digging his nails into the old wood. Two of the men were still holding him, and applying pressure onto his wrists.

The needle was bigger than any regular needle Namjoon has seen.

Aside from it's irregularly shaped size of the needle, Namjoon could see how rusty it was, just from the vent he was in. Lines of black peeled off of the needle and were left inside of the patient's bruised arms.

The doctor has never seen Seokjin's arms since they've always been covered up with a dark hospital gown and a long black cape, but now that he just noticed them, he saw a lot of bruises and scratches.

"What type of human being would do this? These nurses are mental. They're leaving, thank goodness. I have to heal his arm before the led of the rusty needle infects Seokjin's bloodstream." Namjoon waited until everyone was gone for him to get down from the vent.

As he was about to open the vent, he felt someone pull him down.

"Seokjin." He thanked the strange man and looked into his eyes.

"Let me see." The man furrowed his eyebrows.

"There is nothing to see, Dr. Kim. Nothing to worry about." He smiled, halfheartedly.

The doctor reached his arm and lifted his sleeve up.

There was nothing. No bruises, scratches, just nothing. Namjoon was dumbfounded. Just an opened wound that was bleeding slightly.

«Dr. Kim, Don't Fear Me»  [K.n.j & K.s.j] Where stories live. Discover now