Hyung [ M ]

9.9K 207 32

Requested by : taeliciousxxs

Pairing: taekook

Contains : smut, hyung kink, whiny tae, not so rough, lot of swearing, etc

Jungkook likes to be called hyung


Third person P.O.V

Jungkook's day has never been better.

His favorite white shirt was torn. He lose a couple of matches in overwatch. He bumped his head against the door. He fall down the stairs.

And his fucking boyfriend was out with his hwarang hyungs.

It was indeed a very wonderful day for Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook groaned as his freaking toes met the table. A string of curses left his mouth.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows when Jungkook started to yell fuck at the top of his lungs.

He dreamt about he and Hoseok went to an opera but instead of hearing beautiful, tremulous voices rising high into the air

Two sopranos were singing "fuck" to the tune of La Traviata.


Yoongi yelled, throwing his pillow at Jungkook. The younger avoided the pillow.

" Sorry "

He said sheepishly. Jungkook throwed himself on the couch. He sighed. He jumped a bit when his phone started to ring.

Jungkook sit up and answered the call without looking at the caller id.

" Hello? "

" Kookie! "

Taehyung voice was heard from the other side of the phone, obviously happy.

Jungkook smiled softly hearing his precious boyfriend's voice. Jimin shook his head seeing Jungkook smiled dreamily.

The brunette was really whipped for Taehyung.

Taehyung kept rambling about what he did he do with his hwarang hyungs. He kept saying that he missed Jungkook and can't wait to show him what he bought for Jungkook.

Jungkook was a bit jealous when Taehyung told him about his hwarang hyungs. But he suppressed his jealousy because he knew that they were all just friend.

Taehyung was his alone.

They ended the call with ' I love you ' like usual. Jungkook sighed. He stared at the wall in boredom, not knowing what to do.

Then, he suddenly felt something hot on his leg.

Kim Namjoon just spilled his coffee on Jungkook's leg. On his favourite jeans. A very dark coffee was spilled on his light blue jeans. His favorite light blue jeans.

Namjoon gaped like a fish beside him. He said sorry over and over again but Jungkook was blank.


" SHUT UP!! "

A cushion was planted right in the center of Jungkook's face.


Taehyung entered his and Jungkook's shared room with a smile. But it turned into a frown when he see Jungkook's face.

He quickly cupped the younger's face and kissed his cheek.

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