CH 6//His name is Alex

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TW talk of hospital/medicalstuff, car crash mention

"It's just a bad dream"

"It's just a bad dream"

"It's just...a bad dream"

This was all that went through Charlies head as he walked down the cold hallway to the ICU. He placed a shaky hand on the door handel and went to turn it when he froze. He thought about what he was going to see. A figure laying in bed with tubes sticking out every wich way, more than you could count. A chest being forced to rise up and down by machines. A black and blue face and sliced arms, injuries one gets when going through a car window. He shook his head, tears forming in his eyes. He let go of the handel and walked away. He wanted to see his mother, and whatever was behind that door wasnt her.

"Hey, you do know where we're going right?" The stranger asked. Charlie didn't look back at the boy he was dragging behind him and just kept walking. He glanced at his schedual and took a left turn at the next corner. "Cuz I mean, we have been walking around these halls for a while". Just then Charlie stopped in his tracks. In front of him was a door. "Ah" The taller one replied. "Well, better late than never. I'm just glad it's art class, literally the only class I can handle". He walked up to the door and placed his hand on the door knob. He was about to turn it when he noticed that Charlie hadn't moved from his spot."Ya coming?" He asked. His brown eyes looking straight into Charlies blue ones. When Charlie didnt reply he let go of the door knob and grabbed Charlies sleeve. "Fine, guess its my turn to drag you" He said with a chuckle. He opened the door, and together they walked in.

"The names Alex by the way" Sad boy said when He and Charlie had taken a seat together. Charlie nodded and opened his sketch book scribling something down in the corner of the first page before sliding it over to Alex. Alex then read out loud, "Charlie". Then Charlie whitnessed Alex smile. "Cool" Alex said sliding the sketchbook back over to its owner. "Do you not talk or?..." Charlie looked down feeling vulnerable and slowly shook his head. "Oh, sorry i didnt mean to upset you".

'It's alright' Charlie wrote in response.

Alex fished out a pencil from his bag and wrote something down below Charlies writting. 'I don't like talking much either'

Charlie couldn't help but smile a little. The small gesture made him feel just a little more accepted.

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