XIX ~ For Fucks Sake

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The sunlight coming through the hotel window woke me from my sleep. I opened my eyes, expecting to see Gerard at my side. But there was no Gerard, only an empty space. Sitting up, I stretched my arms over my head and realized that I wasn't dressed. 

Memories from last night came to mind, playing a smile on my face. God last night was great. But where's Gerard? 

I got out of the bed and threw some clothes on from my bag. I checked the entire hotel room, no sigh of Gee. There was however, a note tapped to the door. Maybe he just went out to get breakfast or something. Walking over to the door, I picked the note off the door and began reading it. 


Before I get started with this, just know that I love you more than anything in this world. I needed to leave. After last night I started thinking about what would happen once we got to L.A. It's not safe for you, and when I decided to bring you with me, I wasn't thinking straight. I'm so sorry that I dragged you along with me. Your phone is in the nightstand as well as some money for you to get home. It'd be best if you forgot about me and moved on with your life. Have a family, retire somewhere nice. Just live a happy life for me, okay? 


I stared down at the piece of paper in my hands. This has to be a joke right? Some sick prank? There's no way that after last night, he'd just leave me here, halfway across the country. He couldn't have left, could he? 

His bag was gone as well as everything he brought in, except for all of my stuff. He did leave. Gerard actually left me here. That fucking asshole!

I wasn't sure if I wanted to cry, or scream or just sit here. I went over to the nightstand to find my phone in the top drawer as well an an envelope of cash. On the back, Gerard had scribbled the new passcode on it. '0409' it read. 

I had no clue what to do next. Obviously I've never been in a situation like this before. Do I stay here in case he does come back? Do I book a flight back home? A taxi cab maybe? Call Brendon and explain everything to him? Dear fucking Christ what do I do? 

My knees gave out causing me to drop to the floor. How could he do this to me? Especially after last night, I thought we were happy together again finally. I had forgave him, and now I'm pissed at him again. 

A tear rolled down my cheek as mixed emotions flooded my body. I need to get out of here. I need to go home. 

I took a few minutes to pack up my bag and double checked to make sure I had everything. Once I was done I took the elevator back down to the lobby and returned the key. The lady said that it had already been paid for so I was good to go. At least Gerard wasn't going to leave me with the bill. She told me that we were in Colorado. Fucking. Awesome. 

The area had multiple cafes and shops around so I decided to go for a coffee. I needed something to wake me up and get me in the right mindset. 

"You look like you need more than a coffee." A man sat across from me. I looked up to see a man with black hair that was shaved on the sides and dyed blonde. He had bright hazel eyes and didn't seem too tall. Multiple tattoos lined his hands, arms and neck. 

"Can I help you?" I asked, staring back down into my mug.

"Y/n, right?" He asked, extending a hand, "Frank."

"How do you know my name?" Fear slowly arose in my body, fight or flight kicking in. Frank must have noticed me tense up because he held up his hands.

"No need to be scared. I'm a friend of Gerard's." Frank explained. Hearing him say his name caused my chest to hurt.

"Then I'm not talking to you." I got up and walked out of the cafe. I could feel Frank hot on my trail so I picked up my speed. A hand grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me back. I crashed into Frank's body as he pressed a cold piece of heavy metal lightly against my skin. 

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