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I looked around the tiny, overly dark room. As I paced back and forth I couldn't help but to think; what if I get caught?

What will he do to me? I couldn't bare to think of the torture that he'd put me through. But I had to take the chance.

I wanted to wake up Luke, and Michael to inform them of my decision. But what if I can't trust them, I've only known them for half of a day. I feel bad for leaving them here like this, but I had no other choice

I tiptoed slowly but the old wooden floor still managed to creak. I made my way to the door and twisted the knob slowly, as it opened the cold air brushed by my body making me shiver.

I walked out of the door and onto the wet mud it was raining; well that makes it better. I walked through the thick black goop like dirt, my black creepers covered in filth.

I took slow steps by all of the little 'houses'. Then when I was by them all I started to run, I ran as fast as my legs would carry me.

Somehow I ended up in a field, all of the lights began to turn on; oh god.

I heard a 'tsk tsk' from somewhere through out the field. I ran faster but unfortunately I fell, and scraped my knee not like a minor scrape; this was more like a slash kind of mark.

I was then jerked around by none other then Calum, I pushed him away and began to run again.

"shit." He mumbled while chasing after me.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled.

"I'm afraid I can't do that!" He sharply responded.

We ran and ran and ran for what seemed like hours but I'm sure was only ten minutes; nothing more.

Then something happened something I didn't expect; he shot me. I fell to the ground and grabbed my leg whimpering and mumbling cuss words under my breathe.

"I didn't want to do that Faye." he said as he approached me.

I looked down at the ground, tears pouring down my eyes.

"Wouldn't wanna lose those pretty little legs of yours, now would we." He remarked running the gun up my other leg slowly.

"Just p-please let me go home. I won't tell I promise." I cried out

He just laughed a cold, spine chilling laugh.

"Nope." he said popping the 'p'.

He then picked me up and brought me to a pole, he lifted my hand behind my head and pulled a rope, which he carried in a large black bag. He tied it around my wrists; I couldn't move my hands.

"Don't move, I mean it's not like you can any way." He laughed

"I'll be back soon

And he was, no more then fifteen minutes later he was back but he was not alone. With him stood Michael, Luke, Ashton, Rose, Bri, and Lucy. They all stood their with tired eyes.

"Faye would you care to tell them why your here."

"I'd rather not." I said looking down at my knees.

"You have no option Faye.Tell them go ahead, tell them why I woke them from their slumber." He said walking closer; a whip in his hands.

"No!" I yelled.

He hit me "Tell them." He hit me again, and again , and again.

"I-I wanted to go home that's it." I cried.

"Good girl, now are you going to do it again." He asked hitting me.

I whimpered in pain, I cried at his face of pleasure. Was he enjoying it, was he enjoying hitting me? Of course he was he's fucking insane.

When he finished tormenting me he looked towards Ashton; "Untie her." he spoke.

At least he was untying me my wrist were so sore. Ashton walked over to me, and helped me get loose from the tight rope. He grabbed my hands softly and looked over them.

"I'm sorry." He mouthed

"It's okay." I mouthed back

As soon as I was freed I stood up, my legs were numb for sitting for so long. I fell right back down and if it weren't for Ashton I probably would've broke a leg. He caught me and lifted me up off of the ground.

"Carry her back." Calum said in a rude manner.

Ashton just nodded and began carrying me.

Little did I know; I would be meeting someone knew along the way.

I looked over and spotted a shadow, a dark black shadow.

But no one was there, it had to be my imagination. So I just let it slip.

When we returned back I thanked Ashton for carrying me. And Michael, Luke, and Calum followed into the door.

I was laying on the bed when Calum walked over to me. He sat down on the edge of the bed and ran his hand up my leg; stopping at my skirt. I flenched away from him.

"Calm down, its not like I'm going to rape you." he laughed.

How could he be laughing rape was a serious thing, he disgusted me.

He lifted up my skirt and I seen the gunshot wound, as the cold air hit it I hissed. I could barely bare the pain.

"Clean her up, and wrap up the wound we've got a long day of practicing tomorrow." Calum said throwing Michael some bandages.



I'm going to be making a horror series of books like this, but the others we'll be in third person. They'll be up soon!

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